A landscape of refugee camp where children play with kites.
A landscape of refugee camp where children play with kites.
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Dr. Paul Chitwood talks with Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. Chitwood traveled to the region to observe Southern Baptist relief efforts.
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Bryant Wright, (center right) Send Relief president, and Jason Cox, (right) vice-president, and a local partner shares a message of hope with a family of Syrian refugees. IMB Photo
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Portrait of a Syrian refugee in southeastern Turkey. IMB Photo
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Syrian refugees in southern Turkey gather around a Send Relief truck distributing blankets, clothes and basic supplies in the days following the devastating earthquake of Feb. 6, 2023. IMB Photo
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Ukrainian refugees in Prague, Czech Republic, receive cards of encouragement sent by kids from Oklahoma Baptist Churches. IMB Photo
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A Send Relief team visits a Ukrainian refugee center in downtown Iasi, Romania. An office building is being used to accommodate refugees temporarily. Ginny Wheeler, center, talks with a Ukrainian refugee staying at the center. Wheeler is involved with Send Relief efforts. IMB Photo
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Olga shares how the pastors and members of Dancu Baptist Church in Dancu, Moldova, are caring for her and her family. Many Ukrainian refugees have passed through the church and traveled to other countries in Europe, but Olga and her family decided to stay. IMB Photo
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Russ Wise, a volunteer with a Southern Baptist Disaster Response team, offers water and snacks to Ukrainian children coming across the border into Romania. Russ attends Vertical Church in Yuma, California. SBDR and Send Relief teams served Ukrainian refugees crossing the border at Siret, Romania, by handing out snacks, water and hot drinks and providing cell phone charging stations. The station was originally started by the Romanian Baptists who were some of the first to respond to those Ukrainians crossing the border after the war started. IMB Photo
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International Mission Board missionary David Brown prays for Ion Burlacu, left, and another Moldovan pastor. Burlacu is a pastor and the director of Bozieni Children’s Home in Bozieni, Moldova. The children’s home housed Ukrainian refugees. David and his wife, Shannon, are partnering with Moldovan Baptists to minister to refugees. Meadow Brook Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, is the Brown’s home church. IMB Photo
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Ukrainian refugees board a train in Suceava, Romania. The refugees were transported from the border to the train, where they travel on to other cities in Romania and to other countries in Europe. Ukrainians can travel for free. Members of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief teams took time to visit the train station to help and pray for refugees. IMB Photo
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After missing the long and the short rainy season in the past year, drought has left more than 12 million people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in the Horn of Africa. The International Rescue Committee operates a hospital in Hagadera, one of the compounds within Dadaab, to treat the vulnerable new arrivals. IMB Photo
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Portrait of a Ukrainian teenager and his younger brother in the basement of the Baptist Seminary of Poland in Warsaw. The seminary has been receiving, sheltering and feeding refugees who have left their war-torn nation. IMB Photo
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Portrait of two Ukrainian women in the basement of the Baptist Seminary of Poland in Warsaw. The seminary has been receiving, sheltering and feeding refugees who have left their war-torn nation. IMB Photo
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Portrait of two Ukrainian boys in the basement of the Baptist Seminary of Poland in Warsaw. IMB Photo
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Portrait of a Ukrainian girl with her violin. Millions of Ukrainian refugees have fled their homeland to safety in neighboring Eastern European nations. Many leave their homes with only what they can carry. Some bring their most prized possessions, like this young girl’s violin. She and her family have been staying in the basement of the Baptist Seminary of Poland and are leading worship services with their fellow refugees. IMB Photo
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A Ukrainian family sings worship songs in the Baptist Seminary of Poland’s campus in Warsaw where they have found refuge after fleeing the Russia-Ukraine war. The seminary has been receiving, sheltering and feeding refugees who have left their war-torn nation. IMB Photo
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A Ukrainian mother pushes her baby in a stroller around the grounds of the Baptist Seminary of Poland’s campus in Warsaw. The seminary has been receiving, sheltering and feeding refugees fleeing their war-torn nation. IMB Photo
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A Ukrainian girl looks through the donations for refugees at the Baptist Church of Chelms, Poland. The church’s sanctuary and building have been converted into a makeshift shelter with hundreds of beds. The church’s members and volunteers from the small town near a Ukraine border crossing have rallied to provide food, hot meals and showers, clothing and beds to the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the war-torn nation. In Feb. 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine causing a massive movement of refugees into bordering nations as well as Internally displaced peoples within. IMB Photo
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A Ukrainian refugee registers with a volunteer at the Baptist Church of Chelms, Poland. The church records who they are, where they came from in Ukraine and where they are trying to go in Europe until the crisis is over. The church has spearheaded the first response to the influx of refugees in its community. The church’s members and volunteers from the small town near a Ukraine border crossing have rallied to provide internet, hot meals, clothing, showers and beds to the thousands of refugees fleeing the war-torn nation. In Feb. 2022, Russian forces invaded Ukraine causing a massive movement of refugees into bordering nations as well as Internally displaced peoples within. IMB Photo
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