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Southern Baptist Foundation Announces LegacyWay, a Platform for Donor Advised Funds

Building on its expertise in creating customized donor advised funds (DAFs) for Christian families, the Southern Baptist Foundation is launching a robust online giving platform in April. This new platform offers International Mission Board (IMB) supporters ease and flexibility in making their charitable gifts through one portal. 

For believers, giving is more than a financial transaction. When faith and finances align, the power of mission-driven generosity transforms the world. We recognize the critical role individuals and families play in tackling the world’s greatest problem: life without Jesus. Caring donors want to generate more impact and create living hope in Christ. Because we take the Great Commission seriously, LegacyWay delivers a cutting-edge way for supporters to achieve both their personal goals and vision for ministry. 

Hallmark benefits of DAFs include easy setup, immediate tax benefits, flexible timing in making contributions and grants, and tax-free growth of investments inside the fund. LegacyWay adds three important advantages for believers: 

Shared Christian Values. Since the DAF sponsor owns the assets in the DAF and grant recommendations must be approved by the DAF sponsor, it is absolutely vital for a donor to ensure the sponsor’s values align with the donor’s values. Stories are increasingly emerging about secular DAF sponsors, like Fidelity, Vanguard, and Schwab, questioning or refusing to make grants to charities that hold biblical views concerning sexuality, marriage, and babies. LegacyWay adheres to biblical teaching and wholeheartedly embraces every word of the Great Commission and the work of the IMB. Donors who are passionate about Jesus will find a strong ally. 

Biblically-Screened Investments. The platform offers the institutional-class investment options of the Southern Baptist Foundation and a diverse selection of GuideStone Funds. These uphold biblical principles regarding the sanctity of life, family, stewardship, health, and safety. LegacyWay doesn’t invest assets in the stocks or bonds of companies that provide abortion, gambling, pornography, and similar products or services that are antithetical to Christian beliefs. Simply put, it matters where believers invest the resources God has entrusted to them. 

Legacy Now and Through Estate. Acts of generosity by believers in everyday life, and created through estates, have the potential to impact the world. By partnering with LegacyWay, lifetime gifts of stocks, real estate, IRAs, business interests, or cryptocurrency can provide high-octane fuel for carrying the gospel to the nations. Donors can also impact lostness beyond their lifetimes by making a kingdom gift through their estate plans or a beneficiary designation. They can also pass along values to their children and grandchildren by naming them as future advisors to the DAF. 

Opening or transferring a DAF to LegacyWay creates a “Quadruple Blessing.” 100% of the DAF activities are charitable (Blessing #1). The investment funds inside the DAF support managers and companies that align with Christian values (Blessing #2). Administrative fees will help strengthen other Christian ministries and pay for estate plans for IMB missionaries (Blessing #3). Whenever grants are sent from the DAF, the receiving organization — whether Christian or secular — knows that the Christian community cares about them (Blessing #4). It’s a tremendous win-win-win-win! 

Giving should be enjoyable and redemptive, not complicated. LegacyWay is an incredibly simple and flexible tool, and its planning team provides free expert advice to help believers make tax-smart giving decisions. The Southern Baptist Foundation, which is dedicated to sharing Christ and is aligned with a traditional evangelical understanding of Scripture, is a trusted IMB partner. If you have questions about opening a DAF with the Foundation or other giving strategies, it will be our pleasure to assist you. 

Please contact generosity@imb.org for more information on creating a new DAF or transferring your existing one.