Thank you for praying and giving to help reach the Asian Pacific Rim people for Christ. There are 473 unreached, unengaged people groups in Asia Pacific Rim that have no Bible, Scripture portions, Bible stories, radio broadcasts, gospel recordings, “JESUS” film, or resources of any kind to enable them to hear, understand, and respond to God’s truth. Your faithful intercession and generosity send Bibles and Scripture resources to these needy areas of the Asia Pacific Rim where there is a great harvest for the kingdom.
Opportunities for the gospel abound. Deep in Southern Japan lies a city of nearly 3 million people: Osaka. While the Japanese government is open to gospel workers, less than 1% of Japanese know Jesus personally. Most have never heard the story of Jesus and have no idea how God’s love can impact their lives. Amid this darkness is the “Saturate Osaka” team, working to shine the light of Christ across the city and communicate the love and hope of Jesus.
God’s unexpected solution. Last December, a non-believing event organizer invited our team to participate in a community festival in our local street market. We were given a booth, provided we offered a product for sale or included a game where participants could win prizes. The organizer suggested giving away Bibles. We prepared for 100 and gave away all the prizes before the event ended. Each prize bag included a toy, information about our ministries, a gospel tract, a Christian comic book, and a Japanese New Testament. The booth and the prizes were a hit!
The organizer invited us to host another booth for this year’s festival in September. We ordered 120 Bibles and made prize bags. The event day was non-stop work for our team as a steady stream of children lined up to play our game and check out the contents of the prize bags. Most of these children have never heard of Jesus. They were excited about the toy and candy, but we noticed many of these precious children devouring the Christan comic book and thumbing through the first Bible they had ever held in their hands. Even though there were dances to honor false gods and mobile shrines being carted through the festivities, the light of the gospel was shining bright. In total, 120 Bibles found their way into the homes of Japanese families, who likely had never had the printed Word of God under their roof. Even with the increased number of Bibles, we still needed more.
Since the festival, we have seen new community members attend events they learned about at our booth in the street market. We have also been invited to host a similar booth at a school’s fall festival later this month. Through your generosity, we can have this kind of influence in our community. Together, we can “Saturate Osaka” with the gospel.
Join us in prayer.
Thank you for partnering with us to reach the nations for Christ. We appreciate your sacrificial giving and prayers as we labor together to solve the world’s greatest problem: lostness.
Thank you so much for your faithful giving and intercession on behalf of our team and those who live in the Asian Pacific Rim. Your generosity provides copies of God’s Word to those who hunger for the Bread of Life. We want to share with you how God is using your gifts to reach into the darkness of an Asian Pacific Rim prison.
The House of Blessing Prison Ministry thanks you! Your giving provides Bibles for the prisoners we serve. For a long time, COVID restrictions prevented us from entering the prisons to conduct meetings. However, prison officials offered to allow us to hold Zoom meetings with the prisoners. They also made our teaching videos available to all the prisons across the country. Instead of reaching out to 67 prisons as we did before COVID, God used the pandemic to put us in 142 prisons! Our God has no limitations, and no illness or disease can hinder the work of God!
After three years of COVID restrictions, our prison ministry staff were allowed to visit the prisons. They baptized 597 new believers in various prisons, started seven new Bible studies, and distributed 615 Bibles to Christian prison leaders and those who completed a Bible correspondence course. We already see many new believers awaiting baptism. They are enrolled in a discipleship program conducted by prison ministry staff, and many are in a Bible correspondence course we offer.
Thank you for your generosity and prayers. Your sacrificial gifts and intercession are truly transforming lives as we partner together to solve the world’s greatest problem, lostness.
“Thank you very much for letting the Lord use you to reach our people here in northern Thailand. We have prayed for Bibles like this for such a long time. During Christmas, we were able to see many people come to belief in Christ. This week we will be distributing these Bibles to these new believers. Thanks to God and to you for this gift.”
Last month, our team visited another one of the churches in the region to deliver Bibles, and the gratitude of the believers in this church was overwhelming.
Thank you for your faithfulness! Your generous donations over the years have helped us gain access to people in remote places and place God’s Word into their hands, and we could not do it without you. So much of our work would not be possible without your support, and God is using you to reach the nations! We are blessed by your partnership with us in the gospel. As the Lord leads you, please continue to support our Scripture planting efforts throughout the Asia Pacific Rim. So many people still have no access to the Bible or even the gospel message, but you make it possible! Through your generosity, we are able to produce more Scripture resources so that unreached people groups hear the good news. People are placing their trust in Jesus Christ, and all of this is because of God working through your gifts and prayers!
Again, thank you for your generous support used for Bibles, translations, and Scripture planting projects all over the Asia Pacific Rim. We look forward to our continued partnership with you in the Gospel so that all may hear and know that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Through this project, we are working to make disciples and start new churches among East Asian minority people groups in areas previously unreached with the gospel. We are beginning with three dialects.
Scripture Translation and Storying Project
Twelve national believers work with us full-time as Bible story translators in these three dialects, four per dialect. We trained them in adapting Bible stories. Each team of four develops a Bible story in the local language and storytelling style, then travels into an area with little-or-no gospel presence to field test the story.
Since we began the work in November 2021, these national believers have presented the gospel 300 times. As a result, 40 new believers have come into the kingdom and 12 new churches have started!
Your generous gifts have provided stipends and travel expenses for these national believers. Thank you for your faithfulness to this project.
Scripture Magazines
We designed and printed Scripture magazines for both adults and children. Long-term workers and local believers are handing these out in Japan, Korea and Taiwan as well as some Southeast Asian countries. Churches are using these for Easter outreaches and other Scripture distribution projects. Your gifts have provided this resource so that God’s Word can make its way into unreached communities and homes. Thank you!
We recently purchased Bibles in Taiwan, Thailand and other places across Southeast Asia. Believers are distributing them in both urban and rural communities. Your generosity has provided these Bibles and enabled believers to share the gospel with people directly from Scripture. Having God’s Word is a game-changer for both evangelism and discipleship. Thank you for generously providing Bibles for local believers and unreached communities all around the Asian Pacific Rim!
From the skyscrapers of Hong Kong and vast plains of Mongolia to smoky rainforests hiding winding rivers edged by golden sands, the natural beauty and long history of these Asia-Pacific Rim countries testify to God’s creative hand. This vast region houses four of the most populous global cities, as well as the country with the world's largest nominal population of Muslims.
Spirituality swirls through cities and countryside like the smoke from temple incense sticks. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, animists, Daoists and ancestor worshipers live here, comprising 851 unreached people groups who have never heard that freedom is found in Christ. Pray for divine appointments for Christian workers to share that Jesus is the way to peace with God and eternal life. Ask God to glorify His name among the peoples of the Asian Pacific Rim Peoples affinity.