Reaching Bangkok - Engaging an Urban Megacity

Support evangelism, discipleship, church planting and leadership development in an urban megacity.

“To be Thai is to be Buddhist,” is a phrase often heard in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand which is home to more than fifteen million people. In this prominent and growing city less than 3% of the population identify themselves as evangelical Christian. The majority of Thais in Bangkok spend their days in devotion to idols and spirit worship.

Your gift to the Reaching Bangkok project will enable the work of these important outreach efforts:

(1) University outreach engagement amongst the more than one million university students in Bangkok with a focus on evangelism, discipleship and church planting through English teaching.
(2) A job corps program focused on evangelism, discipleship and church planting in the red-light districts which are predominant throughout Bangkok.
(3) A media initiative centered on creating gospel-focused content and outreach for new and existing churches to build the kingdom, disciple seekers and plant churches.
(4) Mobilization of existing local churches to share the gospel, make disciples and plant churches in each of the 50 districts of Bangkok.
(5) Outreach and evangelism among the sizeable migrant communities throughout Bangkok which include Chinese, Myanmar, Lao, Cambodian and others.

Give today to spread God’s kingdom throughout Bangkok and, from there, to the rest of Thailand and the world!

*This project was formerly called “Bangkok City Church Planting.”

“To be Thai is to be Buddhist,” is a phrase often heard in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand which is home to more than fifteen million people. In this prominent and growing city less than 3% of the population identify themselves as evangelical Christian. The majority of Thais in Bangkok spend their days in devotion to idols and spirit worship.

Your gift to the Reaching Bangkok project will enable the work of these important outreach efforts:

(1) University outreach engagement amongst the more than one million university students in Bangkok with a focus on evangelism, discipleship and church planting through English teaching.
(2) A job corps program focused on evangelism, discipleship and church planting in the red-light districts which are predominant throughout Bangkok.
(3) A media initiative centered on creating gospel-focused content and outreach for new and existing churches to build the kingdom, disciple seekers and plant churches.
(4) Mobilization of existing local churches to share the gospel, make disciples and plant churches in each of the 50 districts of Bangkok.
(5) Outreach and evangelism among the sizeable migrant communities throughout Bangkok which include Chinese, Myanmar, Lao, Cambodian and others.

Give today to spread God’s kingdom throughout Bangkok and, from there, to the rest of Thailand and the world!

*This project was formerly called “Bangkok City Church Planting.”

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of $105,000 goal
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Great Commission training manual
prints 1 manual
For ladies in the job corps program
buys lunches for 1 week
Bibles in Thai or Burmese or Chinese
buys 1 Bible
Pastor-training manuals
prints 50 manuals
University outreach events
funds 2 events
Evangelistic Christmas outreach
funds 1 event
Local church outreach events
buys EV materials
Salary for 1 nat’l partner
covers 1 month
Facebook church advertising campaign
funds complete campaign
Healthy Church Trainings for 1 church
covers 12 monthly sessions
Job Corps program
sponsors 1 participant
Healthy Church Training for pastors
funds 35 pastors
Serving-the-Servants local partner retreat
funds 1 retreat

Field Updates

Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

From the skyscrapers of Hong Kong and vast plains of Mongolia to smoky rainforests hiding winding rivers edged by golden sands, the natural beauty and long history of these Asia-Pacific Rim countries testify to God’s creative hand. This vast region houses four of the most populous global cities, as well as the country with the world's largest nominal population of Muslims.

Spirituality swirls through cities and countryside like the smoke from temple incense sticks. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, animists, Daoists and ancestor worshipers live here, comprising 851 unreached people groups who have never heard that freedom is found in Christ. Pray for divine appointments for Christian workers to share that Jesus is the way to peace with God and eternal life. Ask God to glorify His name among the peoples of the Asian Pacific Rim Peoples affinity.

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