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Tag: river

A ferry glides beneath a bridge standing in front of a large mosque.

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Collection: Central Asia
Tags: boat, Cities, mosque, river
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A man fishes from a bridge in the middle of the city.

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Collection: Central Asia
Tags: Cities, fishing, river
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Desert dunes line the banks of a river.

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Collection: Central Asia
Tags: desert, river
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A man casts his fishing net into the river.

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Collection: Asia-Pacific Rim
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Man paddles blue canoe to a landing spot between other canoes on the river.

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Collection: Asia-Pacific Rim
Tags: boat, river, travel
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A boat floats down the river in front of a Buddhist temple and a pink sunset.

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Collection: Asia-Pacific Rim
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A river flows under a bridge and past a small village.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
Tags: drone, river
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Boat travels down placid river that winds through mountains and leafy vegetation.

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Collection: Americas
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A pink sunset over the river in an Asian megacity.

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Collection: Asia-Pacific Rim
Tags: Cities, river, sunset
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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri reads Scripture to church members from Nanyeeri Baptist Church during baptismal service at a river in northeastern Ghana.

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This boy and his father, Abdul, make their living ferrying people across the Oti River in Togo to farms, many of which lie within the Kéran National Park. The expansion of the park’s boundaries has been a contentious issue with locals who oppose the government’s restrictions on fishing, farming, hunting and tree cutting (for charcoal) within the park’s boundaries. In November 2015, people were killed in riotous protests against the government.

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A couple of Mexican fans wearing their flag walks along the Seine River during the Olympics 2024 in Paris.

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Collection: Europe
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This iconic view of the Seine River in Paris will soon be crowded with Olympic visitors. The opening ceremony will take place for the 2024 Summer Olympics here. IMB Photo

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Under the guidance of their village pastor, new South Asian believers baptize each other in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This event is used as an opportunity for discipleship, teaching that “every believer has authority and responsibility to baptize others.”

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More than 100 million people from all over India to participate in the six-week long Kumbh Mela festival. They crowd toward the water to bathe and wash away their sins.

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Church members from Nanyeeri Baptist Church walk to a nearby river for a baptismal service in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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Ghanaian pastor Rev. Joseph Tia Sugri baptizes a young Konkomba woman in a river in northeastern Ghana.

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