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Tag: pakistani

A portrait of a Baluch man at the Keamari Harbor, part of Pakistan’s oldest sea port, in Karachi, Pakistan. IMB Photo

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A portrait of a Pakistani vendor at the Empress Market in Karachi, Pakistan. The Empress Market is in the Saddar Town locality of Karachi. It was constructed during the British Raj era. It is currently one of the busiest and most popular places for shopping in Karachi. IMB Photo

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Worshippers offer prayers and offerings at the supposed tomb of Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi, Pakistan. Ghazi is considered by some to be the patron saint of Karachi. The shrine serves as a pilgrimage site for many and is revered as a holy place. IMB Photo

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Worshippers offer prayers and offerings at the supposed tomb of Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi, Pakistan. Ghazi is considered by some to be the patron saint of Karachi. The shrine serves as a pilgrimage site for many and is revered as a holy place. IMB Photo

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A Pakistani man reads the Quran at the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Karachi, Pakistan. Ghazi is considered by some to be the patron saint of Karachi. The shrine serves as a pilgrimage site for many and is revered as a holy place. IMB Photo

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A southern Punjabi boy, who speaks the Saraiki language, rides on a donkey-drawn cart, used for hauling bricks, outside Darya Khan, Pakistan. IMB Photo

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Collection: Landscapes, South Asia
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A Pakistani man stands in his roadside flag shop on Independence Day in Karachi, Pakistan. IMB Photo

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A Pakistani Christian man reads his Bible during a Sunday morning worship service at Rainbow Pentecostal Church in the Muskeen squatter community in Islamabad, Pakistan. IMB Photo

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A Pakistani barber cuts a boy’s hair on the side of the road in the Muskeen squatter community in Islamabad, Pakistan.

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Collection: South Asia
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A Pakistani man pushes a fruit and vegetable cart down the road in the Muskeen squatter community in Islamabad, Pakistan.

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