A man prays at a shrine in the the International Temple of Santa Muerte, in Tepito, Mexico City, Mexico. Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, Our Lady of the Holy Death in English, is a female folk deity.
A man prays at a shrine in the the International Temple of Santa Muerte, in Tepito, Mexico City, Mexico. Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, Our Lady of the Holy Death in English, is a female folk deity.
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The International Temple of Santa Muerte, in Tepito, Mexico City, Mexico, has the largest Death Saint statue in the world. Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, Our Lady of the Holy Death in English, is a female folk deity.
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Figurines and statues in the the International The International Temple of Santa Muerte, in Tepito, Mexico City, Mexico. Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, Our Lady of the Holy Death in English, is a female folk deity.
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Candles burn in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico. The basilica is an important pilgrimage site for Catholics.
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A view of the Presidente neighborhood in Mexico City, Mexico.
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Aztec shamans perform cleansing rituals in the historic Zócalo area of Mexico City, Mexico.
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Aztec shamans perform cleansing rituals in the historic Zócalo area of Mexico City, Mexico.
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The ultra-modern Santa Fe district of Mexico City, Mexico, is home to many foreign companies and large numbers of expatriate workers. The city of more than 20 million draws a steady stream of international businesspeople. The IMB team serving in the city sees that as an opportunity to reach the world for Christ.
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Men study the Bible during an adult education class led by IMB missionaries. The missionaries spend many of their Sundays partnering with local churches in Mexico City, Mexico, such as this one in the Barros Sierra neighborhood.
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Paper pennant banners line the area above the streets in the historic district of Coyoacán in Mexico City. The city of more than 20 million draws a steady stream of internationals coming for business and tourism.
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A shrine to the Virgin Mary on the streets of Mexico.
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Two women meet for an afternoon coffee in the historic district of Coyoacán in Mexico City. IMB Photo
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A tree and a cross in the historic district of Coyoacán in Mexico City. The city of more than 20 million draws a steady stream of internationals coming for business and tourism. The IMB team serving in that area sees that as an opportunity to reach the world for Christ.
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Worshipers sit in a Catholic church in Mexico City, Mexico.
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Worshipers sit in a Catholic chapel in Mexico City, Mexico.
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Street-side shrine dedicated to a saint in Mexico City, Mexico.
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People walk down the bustling, crowded streets of Mexico City, Mexico. The megacity is considered one of the largest cities in the world and is home to 20% of Mexico’s entire population.
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A woman sells handmade crafts in Mexico City, Mexico. Living conditions in Mexico are challenging for many of its residents. As defined by the Mexican government, about 33% of the population lives in “moderate poverty,” and another 9% lives in “extreme poverty.” That means that more than 40% of the population lives in poverty and the numbers are trending upward.
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A man has his shoes shined in Mexico City, Mexico. The megacity is one of the most productive urban areas in the world. The city is responsible for generating 15.8% of Mexico’s gross domestic product (GDP), and the metropolitan area accounted for about 22% of the total national GDP. If it were an independent country, in 2013, Mexico City would have been the fifth-largest economy in Latin America.
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A homeless man worships at a church service run by IMB missionaries and local churches in Mexico City, Mexico. Hundreds of homeless people living in Mexico City meet together at this event to worship and study the Word of God. The missionaries and churches also offer a soup kitchen.
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