Steven Kunkel, newly appointed missionary, displays his Japanese bible after the IMB Sending Celebration at Swift Creek Baptist Church in Midlothian, Virginia. IMB Photo
Steven Kunkel, newly appointed missionary, displays his Japanese bible after the IMB Sending Celebration at Swift Creek Baptist Church in Midlothian, Virginia. IMB Photo
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A French woman is delighted to have received a French New Testament from a volunteer during summer Olympics outreach in Paris.
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One aspect of planting churches in Zambia is to always use the Bible. The country often has false prophets trying to get people to follow them but they never use Scripture. IMB Photo
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A woman holds a Bible during a church service at the Bread of Life Baptist Church in Kozelets, Ukraine. The church, with the help of Send Relief, distributes more than 600 food packets to the community. The distribution happens every Friday. The church’s electricity is often powered by a generator donated by Send Relief. During the service, people heard the gospel message preached by Mike Domke, an IMB missionary who served in Kyiv before the war. IMB Photo
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A Ukrainian woman studies Bible study notes at God’s Design Church in Kyiv, Ukraine. The building used to be a night club and is now a church. The church and its pastor, Oleg, uses table tennis to draw people into the church. They distribute food to needy people and currently disciples 20 new believers for baptism. Send Relief partners with Oleg and his church to provide food and basic needs for people affected by the war. IMB Photo
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Women meet for fellowship at God’s Design Church in Kyiv, Ukraine. The building used to be a night club and is now a church. Church members and the pastor, Oleg, uses table tennis to draw people into the church. They distribute food to needy people and currently disciples 20 new believers for baptism. Send Relief partners with Oleg and his church to provide food and basic needs for people affected by the war. IMB Photo
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Jeremy Morton, pastor of First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia, encouraged the newly appointed missionaries and attendees to prioritize intimacy with Christ, while speaking at the September Sending Celebration at Beaverdam Baptist Church in Beaverdam, Virginia. IMB Photo
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Jeremy Morton, pastor of First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia, encouraged the newly appointed missionaries and attendees to prioritize intimacy with Christ, while speaking at the September Sending Celebration at Beaverdam Baptist Church in Beaverdam, Virginia. IMB Photo
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Jeremy Morton, pastor of First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia, encouraged the newly appointed missionaries and attendees to prioritize intimacy with Christ, while speaking at the September Sending Celebration at Beaverdam Baptist Church in Beaverdam, Virginia. IMB Photo
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Christians worship in a South Asian megacity. At the IMB, we believe that missionary presence cultivates gospel access, gospel belief and church planting and multiplication. IMB Photo
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Under a mosquito net, an IMB missionary works with a local believer to prepare their oral storying assignment during a three-month training in the jungles of Peru. The training is for new team recruits, both American and Latin American, who are preparing to serve in remote locations throughout South America. IMB Photo
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An IMB missionary leads a Bible study discussion in a home near Rioverde, Ecuador. Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among those who have never heard the gospel — people in cities, people in hard-to-reach places and people who are dispersed and displaced around the world. IMB Photo
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A portrait of a Coptic Christian man standing in the sanctuary of the Monastery of St. Simon, commonly known as the Cave Church, in Cairo, Egypt.
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A Christian worker shares the Good News with North Africans.
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Grace Kim, IMB missionary, leads children’s Bible study class in her backyard. She regularly invites them to teach them songs, play fun games, and teach the Bible. Grace and her husband, Daniel, are serving as church planters in Kitwe, Zambia for 21 years.
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A Pakistani Christian man reads his Bible during a Sunday morning worship service at church in a squatter community.
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A stethoscope and a Bible are a perfect illustration for the work done by mobile medical clinics. In Oct. 2021, a medical missions team, including healthcare professionals from both Ukraine and the U.S, traveled to the war-torn areas of Eastern Ukraine to bring much needed medical and spiritual help to the Ukrainians suffering the results of war and instability. IMB Photo
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Members of the Nalerigu chapter of the Northern Christian Chiefs Association hold their Bibles after a group meeting. Represented among the five men are three different Ghanaian people groups: Mamprusi, Bimoba and Kusasi. IMB Photo
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A Pakistani Christian man reads his Bible during a Sunday morning worship service at Rainbow Pentecostal Church in the Muskeen squatter community in Islamabad, Pakistan. IMB Photo
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IMB missionary meets with a couple to study the Bible.
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