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Tag: burqa

Decoratively stitched details on blue burkas lined up in a market. Burkas are traditional clothing for women in Afghanistan. They are generally worn for cultural or religious reasons by those adhering to Islam. The blue burkas are made up of a single piece of cloth, as opposed to the three-piece black burkas. The blue-colored burka, also referred to as the “shuttlecock burka,” is native to Afghanistan and has spread into Pakistan. IMB Photo

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A Muslim woman shops at the bazaar outside the Jama Masjid of Delhi, India.

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Collection: Religion, South Asia
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Two women ride on the London Underground, locally known as ‘the Tube.’ It’s estimated that 2.5 million people rely on the Tube to get around the city.

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Portrait of an English as a Second Language (ESL) student in London, England. Thousands of people move to the U.K. to pursue job opportunities, and IMB workers and volunteers reach out by teaching ESL classes.

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A woman walks through the Grand Mosque in Paris, the largest mosque in Paris.

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Collection: Europe, Religion
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