Tuesday, October 8 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Tribe of Peace in Northern Africa

Pray for a local believer, Kareem, as he visits refugee camps to check on the health of house groups and encourage believers. Ask that he will faithfully build up the church. Pray that as the church grows bigger, it will also grow deeper. Petition for the continued boldness of believers to share with others. Pray for leaders to be developed to shepherd the groups.

Tuesday, October 8 2024
European Peoples
The Autonomous Basque Country in Northern Spain

(bask) - Pray for this new season! We are continuing the work of the church plant and are eager for more healthy discipleship and evangelism. Pray for a new work to happen as Basque Country needs more initiatives. Pray also for God to provide our own ministry locale when ready.

http://www.ateajo.com/ hannahmaemarrero@gmail.com
Tuesday, October 8 2024
South Asian Peoples
South Asian Peoples

"Pray for workers on our team who are learning the language, asking that the Lord will help them to learn very quickly and very well. May He help those who are learning Bible stories in another language to remember the stories well and be able tell them to others with ease. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel everywhere we go, and ask that we will recognize and take advantage of those opportunities. Ask that we will have wisdom with our interactions with others. Thank the Lord for opening doors for us to start work in two districts that are new to us. Thank Him that by other workers' connections, we have been able to meet with a new group."

Tuesday, October 8 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Sereer of Senegal and The Gambia

(suh-RARE) - Workers write: "In the month of September, a volunteer team working alongside us and a local pastor shared the gospel in an area with hard soil. Many people made professions of faith and prayed to receive Christ. Praise the Lord! That area is hard to get to during the rainy season, and most people there are nonliterate. Pray for the local church to take on the task of discipling these new believers, getting God's Word to them in an oral form, and planting a new church in that rural area."

Tuesday, October 8 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
People of Pepper Port in Indonesia

Jon is a local believer who has been sharing the gospel and discipling believers in Pepper Port for over 15 years. For the first time in his ministry, someone he is discipling has shown the willingness and boldness not only to learn how to share the gospel with others but has already put this knowledge into practice--he has called others to trust in Jesus. Even more amazing is this testimony does not describe just one man, but two of the men whom Jon disciples weekly. Pray for Anthony and Honda to maintain enthusiasm in proclaiming the gospel and not to grow weary as they share Christ in a dark land.
