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Logo and Brand Resources

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Our Brand Story

  1. The greatest problem in the world is lostness.
  2. The only solution to this problem is the gospel.
  3. Together, Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among people and places where Jesus is not named or known.

Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among those who have never heard the gospel — people in cities, people in hard-to-reach places, and people who are dispersed and displaced around the world.

At the IMB, we believe that missionary presence cultivates gospel access, gospel belief, and church planting and multiplication. Gospel access that knows no geographic or social boundary. Gospel belief that results in lives transformed. Church planting and multiplication that leads to local ownership of God’s mission.

God has made our purpose clear. Together, we seek to take the gospel to every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages. We give ourselves to this mission every day.

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Color Options

Logo Guidelines

IMB logo guidelines

Use the vertical orientation logo with the text when room allows and when the logo will be center aligned.

Use the horizontal orientation logo with the text when you have less room and when the logo will be aligned left or right.

Use one symbol’s width on each side of the logo to find the minimum amount of margin.

Only use one color for text and symbol. Don’t mix and match colors when using the full logo.

Minimum size: 1 in.

Color Options: Black, White or Sarum Blue

Sarum Blue
Pantone Solid Coated 534C CMYK 95,74,7,44 RGB 27,54,93 HEX #1b365d

Need Help?

Send us your questions about using the IMB brand or your need for additional creative support.

* Asterisks indicate required information.

Reaching the Nations, Together.