Acacia People of Northern Africa

(uh-KAY-shuh) – You prayed last month for wartime rape victims among the Acacia people. Esther and women like her are meeting in trauma support groups at a church in the town of “Wednesday Market.” More than 30 women, young and old, made up the first six groups begun there. The women share their stories and learn how Jesus can heal their broken lives. Praise the Lord that after five months of meeting together, most of these women have now become followers of Jesus! Not only that, but week by week, the women have shared with family and friends what they are learning, encouraging their listeners to do the same. They’ve gathered more than 80 small groups of women, tier by tier, to listen to each other and learn about Jesus. Pray for every person who has heard the truth about Jesus, asking that they will follow Him and be fully restored spiritually, emotionally, and physically. This joyous miracle is a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands of wartime rape victims in the region. “Oh, Lord God, please comfort and completely heal rape victims, and through them, multiply the message of Your love until it reaches every Acacia family that Satan has tried to destroy.”