(BAH-mah) – In the streets of the second largest city in Myanmar, a group of local believers started a program to train other believers in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and leadership development through a church planting internship. This group comprises newer believers, older believers, the young, the old, the educated, and the uneducated. Multiple social classes are represented among the students. Pray for unity among the group, and pray that the instructors will be able to provide teaching that is helpful and valuable for each of the interns. As these partners work to plant churches among the unreached Bhama people, please pray for open hearts and open doors. Praise the Lord for starting three new churches in areas where these interns are working. Several new believers have been baptized and many are hearing the gospel. Pray that these interns would feel equipped and ready to lead these new believers, and that they would rely on the Lord’s strength and wisdom throughout their ministry. Pray also that new ministry outreach areas will be opened and that many will be interested in hearing the gospel among a group of people who are very closed to the message. Ask that the interns will be encouraged by the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in Myanmar among the Bhama people.