(foo-koo-OH-kah) – Praise the Lord for continuing to bless ministries on the campus of Seinan Jo Gakuin, the Christian girls’ school started by Southern Baptist missionaries 102 years ago. Pray for this school, especially the middle school, junior, and senior high schools to receive favor in the eyes of the community so that more parents and students in the community, non-Christians and Christians, will want to join this school in the upcoming semester. Christian leaders continue to encourage that God’s Word be read and memorized in this Christian school. Pray that many more students enter in the next year so that they can hear and understand the gospel. The Bible Cafe is scheduled on Friday November 29. Pray that God continues to bring to these Bible Cafe sessions the students whose hearts He has prepared to receive the gospel. Pray for faith, strength, and joy for the Japanese Christian leaders of the school as they work to glorify God and to see fruit that will last.