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Missionary Explorers, Project 3000

“Hello friends!” missionary explorer D.G. Anthony said. “After the 15-hour journey on a sleeper bus to a nearby village, by the Lord’s providence, we found an entire community of the unengaged, unreached people group (UUPG) we had been searching for. We were warmly welcomed and had the incredible opportunity to engage with the villagers, even being honored at a wedding. After spending the night in their village, we joyfully shared the gospel, and I’m thrilled to report that for the first time, we now have believers among this UUPG, with some eager to participate in a local church! Much of our remaining time was dedicated to gathering a small group for a Bible study–truly, God is good. Please pray for boldness because reports of increased persecution involving beatings and imprisonment have emerged in this area. Please pray for my ministry partner and I as we are following Christ to some very far places. Pray for us to stay healthy! We are thankful for your prayers. I can truly say from the bottom of my heart–I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.”