North Africa/Middle East Refugees in the Diaspora

A group of believers took some immigrant friends on a hike to enjoy the day together. While on their excursion, one of the immigrants started sharing about his girlfriend and how he was unhappy with their relationship. He felt as though he wasn’t being treated fairly in this relationship and began drawing some conclusions about dating relationships overall. He asked the believers what they thought about these ideas. The believers used the opportunity to share the gospel with this friend, specifically highlighting how God impacts our relationships. The believers further explained that no one person can hold the weight of all our hopes and emotions; only God can do that. This friend listened intently but still was skeptical of these views on relationships and seemed to chalk it up to cultural differences. Please pray that this friend will realize that the gospel is not a cultural difference, but instead, it is the way to life and truth. Pray that this friend will see that the best way to have a healthy relationship is to put Jesus at the center of it.