Nour has struggled with questions about God for years. She attended church for a while but, unable to come to a clear decision about which religion was true, decided to “go with her roots” and settled on her family’s Muslim faith. However, when talking with some believers recently, she shared that she is not completely convinced and that she wants her children to be able to decide what they believe. After the believers shared the gospel with her and talked with her about the assurance that is available to her in Christ, Nour thought that what they shared was true. However, at that moment, her husband arrived, the conversation ended, and, so far, she has not been willing to meet up again with the believers. Pray that Nour will not be able to stop thinking about the good news that she heard during that conversation, and pray that any obstacles to following up with her will be removed. Ask the Lord to provide other believers in her life, and pray that He will save Nour and her family!