Persian Peoples of the Western Diaspora

The Persian churches of the Western diaspora have been plagued with issues of broken trust. There are only a few churches in the Western diaspora that are 100% Persian speaking–conducting worship services, discipleship training, and preaching all in the Persians’ heart language–and led 100% by Persian believers. Sadly, of these few churches, all have had scandals in recent years among each church’s leadership at the highest levels. As these leaders have fallen, Persian believers have left these churches with broken trust, and it’s at the point now where it’s common to hear a Persian say, “I cannot trust a church led by Persians.” Churches of the majority language have had to step up and develop Persian-language ministries to meet the needs of Persian believers who are flocking to their congregations. Please pray for godly Persian leaders to pick up the pieces of these broken Persian congregations. Pray for the majority-language churches of the Western diaspora to have a heart for Persian-language ministries and the wisdom needed to develop such ministries.