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Shia of the Desert

Zahra is being sifted. She has declared that she is no longer a believer after making the decision to follow Jesus a couple of years ago. Megan is heartbroken. She was part of Zahra’s baptism a year ago. She has read and studied God’s Word with her. There is hope, however. Zahra has continued to send text messages to Megan. She wants to meet with her. The question remains: Is Zahra denying Christ, or does she simply fear her family? Pray for Zahra and others like her just as Jesus prayed for Peter before his denial: “But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:32 ESV). Pray for disciple makers to stand strong and not to become discouraged as they disciple new believers from difficult backgrounds in a difficult place.