South Korea

September 17 is the Korean holiday, Chuseok [choo-suhk]. In English, it’s often referred to as Korean Thanksgiving. This is considered one of the most important holidays in Korea. Following the Lunar calendar, the holiday can be in September or October. Three days are given for the national holiday, the day before and the day after the celebration in order for Koreans to travel to and from their hometowns. The primary reason for many families gathering is to thank their ancestors through ancestral worship. Specific foods are eaten for the occasion, and gift-giving to family members and others is also practiced. Please pray for Christians who are members of families that are not Christian. It would be considered disrespectful for them to not participate in honoring their ancestors through worship and other activities. Consequently, this is very stressful for a sincere believer in an unbelieving family. Please pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for believers in this situation to speak truth gracefully so they can honor God and be His ambassador.