Saturday, May 4 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Window City of North Africa

Mehdi lives in a small town outside of Window City. Years ago, as a young man, he heard the good news and decided to follow Jesus. As a result, he experienced criticism that affected his relationships, education, and career. Through much persecution and hardship, God has done a great work in Mehdi and those around him. He is sharing faithfully and giving testimony of new believers regularly. As God continues to work and groups of believers are forming, Mehdi is in need of strength and wisdom from above. Pray that he will grow in his devotion to and love for Scripture and act according to it. Pray according to Ephesians 3:16-19 (ESV), asking that Mehdi will be "rooted and grounded in love" and "filled with all the fullness of God."

Saturday, May 4 2024
South Asian Peoples
South Asian Peoples

May is a hot month in the area of southern India and its surrounding islands! The heat index can top 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity is intense. Students get the month of May off from school as part of their summer break. Most people remain indoors during the heat of the day, coming out to play and relax after dusk. Fresh, juicy mangoes are in season and are absolutely delicious. Coconuts are cut down from high tree branches and chopped open, and the coconut water is immediately drunk for fresh rehydration. Pray for a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to blow through this area! Pray for the hearts of believers to burn with a fire for Jesus just like the burning hot sun shines down on the land. Pray for more people to believe on the name of the Lord!

Saturday, May 4 2024
South Asian Peoples
Peoples of West Uttar Pradesh, India

(OO-tar pra-DESH) - In the coming weeks, some visiting believers will be going to West Uttar Pradesh to serve alongside the believers there. Please pray for these visitors, and ask that their time in that state in India will be impactful. Pray that all the logistics of traveling across the world and entering a new place will go smoothly. Pray for the people they will be around and the communities they will engage, specifically asking that those whom they share the good news with will be receptive and will respond in faith.

Saturday, May 4 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Peoples of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia

(soo-MAH-trah) - It is not common in their culture to remain single beyond mid-late 20s, but Jim and Julie met each other later in life. They are both local believers, and after some time dating, decided it was time to start planning their wedding. Please pray for their wedding this month and for their new lives as newlyweds. Please pray that they will embrace the vision that the Lord gives of marriage being a picture of His love for the Church. Pray they will begin their new life together, striving to glorify God in all that they do. Marriages in their culture are often broken and full of hurt. Please pray that Jim and Julie's marriage will be a light that shines bright to those around them!

Saturday, May 4 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Nubians of Northern Africa

(NOO-bee-ans) - This year, many Christians will be celebrating the resurrection of Christ on Sunday, May 5, which is when Orthodox Christians observe Easter. In Nubian towns where both Christians and Muslims live, this joyous cause of celebration will be noticed by neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances. "The men said to them, 'Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen'" (Luke 24:5-6 ESV). Pray for many "divine opportunities" for believers to share this good news with their Nubian friends. Ask for Nubian hearts to be open to the truth, causing them to question what the majority religion claims. Pray for Nubian men and women to come to know the risen Savior!
