Friday, April 26 2024
Sub-Saharan African Peoples
Wassulu of Mali, Guinea, and Cote d’Ivoire

(WAH-soo-loo) - While sharing the gospel of Christ in the spiritually dark regions of the world, a persistent and consistent foundation of prayer is essential. Patience through years of praying for a people group, such as the Wassulu people of "Metter" in Mali, has been the hallmark of the work in that village for over a decade. Historically known for its links to idol worship, it has drawn people to it for as long as residents can recall, and the spiritual battle has been evident. One newly baptized believer was called after his acceptance of Christ to visit his family in another location. He was never heard from again. Another man, known for leading in idol worship, including sacrificial practices, was intensely ridiculed but boldly burned the tools of his trade--literally, his source of income--as a public declaration of his decision to follow Christ. Mali is now home to the recently opened "Africa Center of Sorcery," so pray for the villagers of "Metter" and many others like it across the region. May the minions of the evil one not prevail, and may the mighty angels of God do battle to protect the believers and those who are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friday, April 26 2024
North African and Middle Eastern Peoples
Tuareg of the Sahara Desert

(TWAR-eg) - A young man sits with his family as they all drink tea late into the night and talk about religion. They discuss what they have been told when they go to the local place of worship. They talk a little about what they have seen and heard on television and how it's different from their beliefs. But as they continue to talk, they discover that they are all discontent with what they believe. They want to discover and know the truth--whatever that is. Someone in the group pulls out a smartphone and begins searching online for anything that will help them to know the truth. Please pray for the Tuareg who are searching for the truth to find videos online in their language that explain the truth to them. Also ask that once they hear the truth, they will believe and share it with those around them.

Friday, April 26 2024
South Asian Peoples
South Asian Peoples

Please pray for the Barar people of India, who have no known churches among them. At an estimated population of 14,000, this is the largest unreached people group in the state of Punjab. Please pray that God will raise up harvest laborers who can locate and share with these people this year.

Friday, April 26 2024
Central Asian Peoples
Sorani Kurds of Central Asia

(sor-AH-nee) - Pray for the first baby born to a local fellowship of believers! The Lord led a believing couple to visit a family who is involved in their fellowship. The expectant father, a believer, is a member of their church. The mother has shown an interest in learning about truth, but has not yet placed her faith in Christ. The day after the visit, the woman went into labor and called the believing couple to visit her at the hospital. While they were together, the time came for the baby to be born. This marks the first baby born to a believer in this fellowship. Pray for the wife and extended family members to follow the husband's example. May this be the start of a new generation of believers!
Friday, April 26 2024
Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Pregnancy Center Project, Chiang Mai, Thailand

(chee-ang MY) - Praise the Lord for allowing members of the Pregnancy Team to have the opportunity last month to share "Life in the Womb" with about 500 women at a Christian women's conference in Northern Thailand! One comment was "Wow! I have been a Christian a long time, but I never knew how God made us in our mother's womb." The team took three sets of baby models and used their usual presentation where they speak to 5-50 people but adapted it to accommodate 500 in one sitting! God is making truth known as the team continues to educate and support life in the womb.