Joan Juliet Newcomb Caperton, an emeritus International Mission Board missionary who shared the gospel among South American people in Colombia, died July 4, 2019. She was 88.
In the mid-1980s, the Capertons sent missionary newsletters to their prayer supporters, detailing the efforts of volunteers from the United States, who they said “are a great asset to missions.” Mrs. Caperton prepared space to host teams of dentists, doctors, work crews and Mission Aviation Fellowship pilots.

“Joan serves as pastor’s wife to many of the North American wives and children, has set up house keeping in a new apartment, continues to have many guests in our home (including many Colombians), responsibilities in other English Chapel ministries such as Women’s Bible study and Big ‘A’ Bible club; and now working weekly in health ministries in poor ‘barrios’ and medical caravans to remove areas,” they wrote in December 1985. “The opportunities to minister here in Colombia are greater than one can image.”
Mrs. Caperton’s family prepared this obituary, which they shared online:
Joan Juliet Newcomb Caperton
I did it! Being a believer in Christ’s free gift of salvation that covers my sin, my spirit has left this world and now resides with Jesus in heaven.
I was born Dec. 20, 1930, to Ben and Mattie Newcomb and passed to new life July 4, 2019, making me 88 years old.
On May 9, 1948, I married a special man and friend, Bob Caperton. In our 71 years of marriage, we were blessed with three wonderful children and their spouses: Joe Bob and Mary Caperton, Danny and Jeanne Caperton, and Annie and John Knape. In addition, we have seven grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.
My grandparents and my parents preceded me in death and am survived by my husband, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
During my life, I achieved several milestones after becoming a wife, starting with giving new life to my oldest child exactly 70 years before my new life in heaven. At the age of 33, my role as an “ordinary” wife changed to the role of being a pastor’s wife. Then 15 years later, I returned to school, getting my GED, completing college, and becoming a Registered Nurse in preparation to becoming a missionary to Colombia, South America, at the age of 52.
After 10 years of service on the foreign mission field, Bob and I “retired.” But after a few years of being a retired wife, I returned to my former role of being a pastor’s wife again until about four years ago when my disease with dementia prevented Bob from continuing his pastoral service, and he had to retire permanently to take care of my failing health. Now I am a worshiper of God.
A memorial service was conducted on July 13, 2019, at First Baptist Church in Friendswood, Texas. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® or local church mission projects would be greatly appreciated.
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is a registered trademark of Woman’s Missionary Union.