Editor’s note: This is the second post in a 12-part series that highlights information found in IMB’s Annual Statistical Report. The report is based on 2019 research data. A full copy of the report is available at imb.org/asr.
It’s halfway through 2020, and we’d like to take a look back at the extraordinary ways the Lord moved in 2019.
Last year, 89,325 people committed their lives to Christ, and 47,929 were baptized. Growth also came in the form of leadership development—90,532 people received leadership training. These men and women who received training are furthering the gospel and growing their communities of faith.

Through your IMB missionaries, 535,325 people heard the gospel message. Join us in praying for those who heard but have not chosen to follow Christ.
“Our prayers for workers in the harvest have resulted not only in workers but in an eternal harvest of souls. We have cause for rejoicing as we see what the Lord is doing among and through our missionaries and partners,” IMB President Paul Chitwood said.
Thank you for your investment. Thank you for giving, for going and for praying.
Together, we’re reaching multitudes.
All data, except for active field personnel and unreached people group counts, reflects information from the 2019 Data-Year Annual Statistical Report (IMB).