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In memoriam: Missionary emeritus Janet Rohde, 1946-2024

Portrait of Janet Rohde. IMB Photo

Janet Rohde, an International Mission Board missionary emeritus who shared the gospel in Guyana, died Sep. 25, 2024. She was 78.  

Janet was born June 15, 1946, in Vinita, Oklahoma, to the late Johnnie Warren Brooks and Mabel Bernice Brooks. She graduated from Southeast High School in Oklahoma City, and received the Bachelor of Science from Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, and attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.  

Janet was raised in a faithful Christian home and came to faith in Christ in April 1954. While she was growing up, her family moved several times due to her father’s job. Each time the family was active in a local, Baptist church. In the middle of 5th grade, after a move to Wichita, Kansas, Janet joined a missions discipleship group for girls at the local church. She learned much about foreign missions and surrendered to special service, not knowing what God might have in store for her life. 

Upon graduation from high school, she attended Oklahoma Baptist University. Many experiences during those years encouraged her growth in Christ, including two summers spent as a summer missionary in Guyana. While seeking missionary appointment Janet wrote, “This experience only intensified my growing interest in foreign missions. I learned more about myself and what God could do with me.” 

In the fall of 1968, Janet started seminary. She met Paul Rohde, and they were married on Aug. 15, 1969. When Paul graduated, they talked to the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board) about missionary appointment, but the doors were closed for them at that time. During the next decade, Paul pastored several churches and Janet worked in ministry alongside him. In Aug. 1980, Paul told Janet he felt God was calling them to seek foreign mission appointment once more. Janet wrote, “I was not expecting this, but I was not surprised. I was overwhelmed with a peace and satisfaction that it was right.” 

In 1981, the International Mission Board appointed Paul and Janet missionaries to Guyana, where she served in church and home ministry. They served with the IMB for more than 28 years. 

She is survived by Paul, her husband of 55 years; sons, John Paul Rohde (Morgan) of Hendersonville, Tennessee, and Kyle Herman Rohde (Joray) of Orlando, Florida; daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Christie (Vaughn) of Richardson, Texas; and 6 grandchildren.  

A celebration of life service was held Oct. 4, at First Baptist Church Newcastle, Oklahoma. 

Donations in her memory may be made to the Lottie Moon Offering, IMB, 3806 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA, 23230, or online at Generosity Resource Center – IMB Generosity. 

Read an obituary here.