In memoriam: Missionary emeritus Marie Havens Johnston, 1930-2024

Portrait of Marie Johnston. IMB Photo

Marie Havens Johnston, an International Mission Board missionary emeritus who shared the gospel in Nigeria, died Dec. 3, 2024. She was 94.  

Marie was born Jan. 7, 1930, in Shreveport, Louisiana, to the late Charles and Mary Havens. She graduated from C.E. Byrd High School; received the Bachelor of Science from Louisiana College, Pineville; and attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. 

As a child Marie enjoyed attending Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. On her 15th birthday, she attended an assembly at a local church where she had been invited by friends. The plan of salvation was presented, and she opened her heart to Jesus that very day. After coming to faith in Christ, she felt the Lord calling her to full-time Christian service and also had a strong desire to become a nurse. After high school, she entered Louisiana College School of Nursing. She received her clinical experience at the Southern Baptist Hospital in New Orleans, where she met many missionaries and heard about their experiences. 

While seeking missionary appointment, Marie wrote that her call to foreign mission service came as a gradual realization. After graduating from college, she began working in the School of Nursing. During a conference at Ridgecrest in 1953, she felt impressed to do foreign mission work. In the fall of 1954, she entered seminary to prepare for missionary service and met James David Johnston. They felt they could serve God together and were married on Sep. 4, 1955. While seeking appointment she wrote, “We feel that God has been good to us, and we want to work together in service for Him. … We would like to give our lives… in foreign mission service if it is God’s will, and we feel it is.” 

In 1958, the International Mission Board appointed James and Marie missionaries to Nigeria. They served in evangelism, teaching and planting churches for 31 years. 

Marie is preceded in death by her husband, James D. Johnston Sr. 

She is survived by her son, J. David Johnston Jr.; daughter, Patricia J. Widener (Kyle); six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. 

A funeral service was held Dec. 10 at Centuries Memorial Funeral Home in Shreveport, with burial in Centuries Memorial Park. 

Donations in her memory may be made to the Lottie Moon Offering at First Baptist Shreveport, or online at Generosity Resource Center – IMB Generosity. 

Read an obituary here.