For Muslims around the world, the annual observance of Ramadan will begin the evening of Feb. 28 and last through March. During the month, the International Mission Board is asking Southern Baptists to commit to pray for the salvation of Muslims and for missionaries who live and serve among them.
During Ramadan, which involves daily prayer and fasting to please Allah, many Muslims have a heightened spiritual awareness. Missionaries report this is a critical time to pray that God will reveal Himself to them. The month often leads to spiritual conversations and questioning that may direct people to the one true God and salvation that only comes through Jesus Christ.

Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia, is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The chain of islands hosts the most populous Muslim nation in the world. IMB Photo
This year, IMB staff and missionaries are providing the opportunity for churches and individuals to pray each day during Ramadan using tools designed specifically for this purpose.
Join others in prayer by visiting the Pray for Ramadan website. You will be invited to sign up for designated times to pray. There’s no limit to how often you pray, and multiple users can sign up to pray at the same time.
April Bunn, the director of IMB’s prayer office, says this is an invitation to pray with thousands of partners with the same focus. “As people around the world in all time zones sign up to participate,” she said, “we hope Southern Baptists, along with the global Church, will provide around the clock prayer support this month, asking God to reveal Himself to Muslim people groups.”
After signing up, you’ll receive emails on your prayer days that include information about Muslim beliefs and people groups, Scripture and prayer prompts. You’ll also receive gospel transformation stories and bonus activities, like recipes and crafts.
Visit today and share the link with others in your family, church and small group.
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