Serving as a student missionary is worth your best efforts to prepare spiritually, physically, intellectually and emotionally. While all mission opportunities deserve preparation, a simple principle is “the longer your trip, the more essential your readiness.” Here are some suggestions to get you started:
- Gain ministry experience before you go. Serve here and now in areas that you expect to do overseas.
- Engage in spiritual disciplines, like daily Bible study and prayer, as well as Scripture memory.
- Meet with others regularly to pray for the people you will serve and opportunities to share the gospel.
- Get healthy! Eat nutritious foods, exercise often, and get plenty of sleep. Living overseas will likely require more walking and climbing that you do at home.
- Identify any emotional challenges you may have like anxiety, depression, or anger and if needed, seek help from a professional, biblical counselor.
- Learn about the people and place where you will serve. Start the process of crossing cultures now. Get to know internationals in your area.