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I struggle with pornography. How does that affect my ability to serve in missions?

Sin and temptation are a challenge for every Christ-follower, but God can empower and equip each believer to live in freedom from habitual sin, including viewing pornography. IMB is committed to sending healthy student missionaries to make disciples among the nations. We see pornography as a very important issue because of its many negative consequences. Serving overseas in a cross-cultural environment, with the stresses and challenges involved, will more likely worsen such behavior rather than cure it. Know that we want to see this sin lose its grip on your life and help you establish healthy patterns so you can be effective in your service. If you haven’t done so already, find a trusted adult in your church to help you begin the journey of accountability. As you go through our application process, we will be glad to walk with you and your pastor to see you become healthy in this area of life.

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