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Hope for South Asian Slums

Provide meals and Bible teaching to children living in the slums of South Asia.
Mani was a runaway from a strict Muslim homelife when Brother Kam found him begging at a train station. Mani’s amputated leg was infected, so Kam fed him, took him to the doctor, and shared the gospel with him. Mani wholeheartedly prayed the sinner’s prayer and began reading the Bible.

The Hope for South Asia’s Slums team helped Mani get an artificial limb, enabling him to start a government job and rent a small house. His Bible was with him at all times, even when he went home to see his family at the urging of the ministry team. Though Mani’s father was a staunch Muslim, he was delighted that his son’s life had changed. He told Mani, “If Jesus has done this much for you, then I will not hinder your faith in Christ. Go to church, read the Bible, and pray.” Mani does just that. Pray for Mani to grow in faith, for his witness to his Muslim family, and for the Hope for South Asian Slums ministry to guide many more lost souls into the kingdom of the God who knows and loves each of them.

With more than twenty-two million people, this city needs thousands of healthy, reproducing house churches to reach all those who have never heard of Christ. Some of those new churches have been birthed in a slum. Your gift will help local believers change this slum village with the love of Christ. Give to meet basic needs of families and children living in the slum and provide gospel materials to share the hope of Christ. Come and work in the slum, sharing the gospel, planting churches, and making disciples who make disciples. Your partnership will help transform this city by reaching “the least of these” in the slums.

Mani was a runaway from a strict Muslim homelife when Brother Kam found him begging at a train station. Mani’s amputated leg was infected, so Kam fed him, took him to the doctor, and shared the gospel with him. Mani wholeheartedly prayed the sinner’s prayer and began reading the Bible.

The Hope for South Asia’s Slums team helped Mani get an artificial limb, enabling him to start a government job and rent a small house. His Bible was with him at all times, even when he went home to see his family at the urging of the ministry team. Though Mani’s father was a staunch Muslim, he was delighted that his son’s life had changed. He told Mani, “If Jesus has done this much for you, then I will not hinder your faith in Christ. Go to church, read the Bible, and pray.” Mani does just that. Pray for Mani to grow in faith, for his witness to his Muslim family, and for the Hope for South Asian Slums ministry to guide many more lost souls into the kingdom of the God who knows and loves each of them.

With more than twenty-two million people, this city needs thousands of healthy, reproducing house churches to reach all those who have never heard of Christ. Some of those new churches have been birthed in a slum. Your gift will help local believers change this slum village with the love of Christ. Give to meet basic needs of families and children living in the slum and provide gospel materials to share the hope of Christ. Come and work in the slum, sharing the gospel, planting churches, and making disciples who make disciples. Your partnership will help transform this city by reaching “the least of these” in the slums.

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of $100,000 goal
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1 month’s Bible materials
buys for 25 children
1 month’s children’s lunches
pays for 25 children
Childcare facility rent
pays 1 month
Job-skill instructors
provides 2 teachers per month
Medical expenses
covers 1 year’s costs
Stipends for local partners
provides 1 month
covers 1 translator for 1 yr
Operational expenses
pays for 1 quarter
Job training & day care
provides for 1 year

Field Updates

Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


South Asian Peoples

South Asian peoples live within a kaleidoscope of colors, a cacophony of sounds, and a buffet of flavors that ignite the senses and warm the soul. This enigmatic region is the birthplace of four world religions but is also home to the world's highest concentration of lostness.

The 1.6 billion people of South Asia are concentrated in an area less than half the size of the USA. Muslims and Hindus comprise the overwhelming religious majority. Every week 225,000 South Asians die, most without Christ. Yet there are glimmers of gospel hope. Through the work of local Christians and foreign workers God is bringing South Asians to faith in Jesus, the church is growing, and stories of Christ’s redeeming power are emerging from the field.

More than a billion South Asian eyes are searching for hope. Pray for long-term workers and their local partners who share the love of Christ daily. Ask God to use their efforts to create a movement of his Spirit across the city and throughout countries and islands of South Asia!

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