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Misiones de las Iglesias Hispanas Hispanic Church Missions

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El Domingo de las Misiones Hispanas es un día para celebrar los logros y las contribuciones de los misioneros hispanos de la IMB y de las iglesias hispanas que colaboran activamente con la IMB para llevar el evangelio a las naciones. Este mes de septiembre, cuando nuestra nación celebre el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, todas las iglesias bautistas del sur estarán invitadas a tomarse un tiempo para celebrar y orar por lo que Dios está haciendo a través de las iglesias hispanas. Alabamos a Dios por las iglesias hispanas que envían misioneros a las naciones y por los misioneros hispanos de la IMB, quienes están sirviendo entre etnias difíciles de alcanzar con el evangelio.

Abajo encontrará recursos descargables para imprimir y los videos que le permitirán tener una celebración especial en su iglesia.

Hispanic Missions Sunday is a day to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of Hispanic IMB missionaries and Hispanic churches as active partners with the IMB in bringing the gospel to the nations. This September, as our nation recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month, all Southern Baptist churches are invited to take time to celebrate and pray for what God is doing through Hispanic churches. We praise God for Hispanic churches sending missionaries to the nations and for Hispanic IMB missionaries, many of whom are serving among people groups who are hard to reach with the gospel.

Below are video and downloadable print resources to make this a special celebration in your church.

Recursos / Resources

Informa a tu congregación sobre los esfuerzos misioneros de las iglesia hispanas.

Inform your congregation about Hispanic church mission efforts.

Learn more about IMB

The IMB’s vision is not ours to fashion.

“God has given His vision to the church. That vision, expressed so clearly in Revelation 7:9 of a multitude of every language, people and tribe and nation, is His vision.” — Dr. Paul Chitwood


A multitude from every language,
people, tribe and nation
knowing and worshiping
our Lord Jesus Christ
(Rev. 7:9)


To serve Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations

Three Ways to Engage in Missions


Rejoice over what God has done and continues to do as we intercede for missionaries and the nations.


100% of your gifts transform lives with the gospel. We want to help you maximize the use of resources for His glory among all peoples.


Since its beginning in 1845, the IMB has had one goal: take the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.