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Tag: hut

Members of the Ingessana ethnic group in South Sudan are predominantly Muslim and have little to no gospel access. Many were forced to flee their villages and became refugees because of ongoing political conflict in the areas where they live.

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An aerial view of the NaYiri’s palace compound in Nalerigu, Ghana during the 2021 Damba Festival in Nalerigu, Ghana. The annual 3-day event celebrates the cultures of the region’s tribes as well as the ancient institution of chieftaincy among the Mamprusi people.

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Volunteers Tommy Harrison and Dr. Fuller Robinson visit with Ghanaian Baptist pastor Joseph Sugri Tia in the village of Kolinvaai, Ghana, where they have served the community during dozens of mission trips over nearly four decades.IMB Photo

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A woman in Ghana dances during a celebration in her village.

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A young boy refugee stands in front of a house in the Adjumani Settlement for refugees in northwestern Uganda. On the side is written, “New Jerusalem House, Psalm 56:11 In God I have put my trust. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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The sun rises behind a tree and over Fulani huts and granaries in southwestern Niger.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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Portrait of a Fulani man on a bicycle in front of thatch granaries full of millet in Niger.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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Sunrise over a Karamoja village in northeastern Uganda.

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Huts in a rural settlement outside of Kabong, Uganda.

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An IMB missionary talks with an elderly friend in a Karamajong village in northeastern Uganda.

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A sunflower grows in a garden outside a Karamajong village in northern Uganda.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A young Karamajong man makes a traditional hut in northern Uganda.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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Portrait of Karamajong children next to granaries in their village in northern Uganda.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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Freshly picked produce from a nearby garden is carried into a village in Zambia.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A girl walks home from school in a rural part of Zimbabwe.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A Susu family dries out beans harvested from their fields in Sierra Leone.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A picturesque beach scene along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in The Gambia.

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An IMB missionary chats with a Susu farmer in Rogbane, Guinea.

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The teenage Rendille girl prepares dinner in the small hut she shares with her five siblings and mother in Kargi, Kenya.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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A young shepherd in Lesotho.

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Collection: Sub-Saharan Africa
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