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In memoriam: Emeritus missionary Norma Lea Mock, 92

Norma Lea Mock

Norma Lea Mock, an emeritus International Mission Board missionary who shared the gospel among East Asian Peoples in Japan for 17 years, died Feb. 22, 2019. She was 92.

Mock was born on March 1, 1926, in Enid, Okla., to William and Daisy Thomas. She was a 1944 graduate of Enid High School. She married Darrell A. Mock on June 22, 1945. Together they served in numerous churches for 22 years, he as a minister of music and education, and she as a church librarian and women’s minister.

The Mocks were appointed as Foreign Mission Board (now IMB) missionaries to East Asia in October 1967. In their service at Tokyo Baptist Church in Tokyo, Japan, she worked in the mission office as a typist, director of the weekday program, and as the librarian.

“I remember when Pat Carter was appointed as a missionary to Mexico, he said that God had called him to be a preacher, and it did not matter to him whether he preached in the United States or in a foreign country,” Mock wrote in her application for missionary service. “This is exactly the way I feel about it. As a teenager I promised God I would go wherever He led and do whatever He empowered me to do. For 22 years I have done my very best to be wife and professional helpmate to my minister of music and education husband. If God now chooses to use us in that capacity overseas, I am ready to go.”

After her retirement from mission service, Mock was a long time member of Mobberly Baptist Church in Longview, Texas. She was preceded in death by her husband of 67 years; her parents; and one brother, Glen D. Thomas. She is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law: Randy and Carrie Mock, and Kendall and Judy Mock; five grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

A memorial service was conducted on March 4, 2019, at Rader Funeral Home of Longview, followed by a graveside service March 6 at Memorial Park Cemetery in Enid, Okla.

Read her obituary here.