This is Tim. Just before this picture was taken, Tim gave money to finish the translation of the book of Second Timothy for a people group in North Africa that doesn’t have the New Testament in their language. In four days at Cross Conference 2019, thousands of students gave $49,575 dollars to translate the New Testament for 1.7 million people in North Africa who will now have God’s Word!

After giving, students selected the verses they wanted to translate, then took an oversized highlighter and marked their verses on the display of that book of the Bible. Students prayed over the verses and the people who would read them. Many cried as they prayed, pleading with God to draw these people groups to himself and his kingdom. Their financial generosity escalated into excitement about other ways they could serve. Hundreds of students responded that they wanted to serve overseas during their college years or as a two-year Journeyman missionary with the IMB after graduation. Hundreds more committed to pray for the nations and to tell others about the opportunities to serve God around the world.
A generous donor agreed to round up the total amount given to $60,000. That amount is exactly what is needed to translate the Bible into four languages of unreached people groups in North Africa. Thank you, students and collegiate ministers, for worshiping through your generosity so unreached peoples in North Africa will have God’s Word in their heart language for the first time ever. And a special thanks to the generous giver who helped reach the project goal amount, so faith can come “… from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” Romans 10:17, ESV.
For more about students funding the North African Bible translations, read “4 Things I Learned about Generosity from 19-Year-Olds.”