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Daughter’s legacy continues through family’s trips to Botswana

Sarah Harmening was supposed to make her first international mission trip in June 2017. She never made it out of the U.S. Tragically, she was killed in a bus accident in Atlanta on the way to the airport.

Although Sarah’s life was cut short, her legacy of faith and dedication to international missions spurred a desire within her family to partner with the IMB and specifically to work alongside IMB missionaries in Botswana.

Since August 2018, the Harmenings have taken three trips to Botswana to work alongside IMB missionaries Brent and Amanda Turner. The Turners were supposed to welcome and work with Sarah and the team of International World Changers from her home church, Mount Zion Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama, in 2017. On their second trip in April 2019, the Harmenings also took along a group of college students from Mount Zion. During their most recent trip in June 2019, which again included college students from Mount Zion, the team handed out school kits in memory of Sarah to children who attended an afternoon program.

“Each trip we have been consistently struck by the graciousness in God’s sovereignty,” said Sarah’s mom, Karen. “In His sovereignty He allowed Sarah’s death, but in His sovereignty, He connected our family with a country profoundly misled by prosperity theology.”

Sarah Harmening had a passion for sharing the gospel with those who had never heard it.

Throughout the past three years, the Turners have formed a close bond with the Harmening family. In December 2019, the Turners visited the Harmenings and Mount Zion Baptist Church during their time in the U.S.

Because of Sarah’s infectious passion for spreading the gospel and living for Jesus, her family, the Turners and thousands of those who heard her story have been challenged and encouraged to live with the same passion, Amanda said.

“[The Harmenings] have become some of our dearest friends,” Amanda said.  “We are so thankful for the many souls who have been saved not only as a result of Sarah’s testimony but also (through) the testimony of this family as they have relied on the Lord throughout their loss.”

The Harmenings also welcome the opportunity to partner with the Turners as they share the hope of the gospel in Botswana.

“We cherish the sweet privilege and honor we have been given to partner with our precious IMB missionaries faithfully serving in Botswana,” Karen said. They are “push(ing) back the darkness of a false gospel with the light of the true gospel that gives eternal Hope.”

Read more about the Harmening family’s donation $91,120 to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® in Sarah’s memory.

Learn more about partnering with IMB missionaries and support the work of missionaries like the Turners.