Will you take time now to pray for our missionaries around the world who are serving on the frontlines during this coronavirus epidemic? Download the prayer guide and distribute it to your church families. Together we will share the hope of Jesus Christ with those living in fear and despair.
Download the Prayer Guide and Phone Backgrounds:
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.
John 14:27
For 175 years — through famine, war, global pandemics and civil unrest — Southern Baptist missionaries have maintained an uninterrupted witness among the nations. This could not have happened apart from the grace of God and the prayers of His people.
As all of us face the worldwide struggle caused by the COVID-19 virus, this generation of IMB missionaries asks for your prayers as they share the hope of Jesus Christ with those living in fear and despair.
Sharing the hope:
- Although face-to-face interactions are scarce as isolation grows, missionaries are noticing a greater openness to discuss spiritual matters.
- Using technology, believers are gathering virtually to worship and encourage one another.
- In one country, a church moved a previously scheduled baptism to a believer’s home and livestreamed it to the congregation.
Ways you can pray:
- Pray for believers around the world to stand firm in Christ during this tumultuous time.
- Pray for them to share the gospel and meet needs with more passion, fervor and creativity than ever before.
- Pray that IMB workers will walk each day without fear and with confidence that God has placed them in their locations for such a time as this.
- Pray that people around the world will respond positively to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- May His name be proclaimed among every nation, tribe, people and language today and for all eternity.