IMB missionary Katee Sheppard* smiles at a truck stop in West Africa. Sheppard visits the truck stop regularly to share oral Bible stories with truck drivers. She began this ministry to truckers more than 10 years ago and has witnessed God’s blessings move throughout the years.

Volunteer Jean Davis shares her testimony through translator Julius Okunade with truckers while they wait to be seen at a free medical clinic hosted by IMB missionary Katee Sheppard* for the West Africa trucker ministry.

IMB missionary Leah Givens* at a truck stop in West Africa where she partners with believers to share oral Bible stories with the truck drivers.

IMB missionary Leah Givens* works with volunteer physician Dr. Cindy Shumpert during a free medical clinic offered by the West African trucker ministry.

Volunteer physician Dr. Paul Shumpert checks a West African truck driver’s blood pressure in a free medical clinic offered by the IMB’s West African trucker ministry.

Burkinabé pastor Bonogo Fulgence baptizes two truckers. The men had come to Christ through the IMB’s West Africa trucker ministry a few weeks prior. They were baptized this day because they had received new orders which required them to drive their truck to another country the following day.

Togolese evangelist Philippe Namfibié chats with truckers at a customs truck stop. He shares his contact information with them so that he can follow up with them later.

IMB missionary Katee Sheppard* witnesses to a trucker at a truck stop in West Africa.
Read more about the West Africa trucker ministry and watch a video of how volunteers are working with IMB missionaries to spread the gospel.
*Names changed for security.