Highlights from the Americas

Editor’s note: This is the fourth post in a 12-part series that highlights information found in IMB’s Annual Statistical Report. The report is based on 2019 research data. A full copy of the report is available at imb.org/asr.

28,286 heard gospel witness26,544 opportunities to respond2,195 new believers578 baptisms3,518 received leadership training1 new engagement


Deep in the desert mountains of Mexico is a small community completely isolated from the outside world with a language and culture that is quickly disappearing. Because of the community’s isolation and devout adoration of idols, it has been almost impossible to reach them with the truth of the gospel. However, after a team of Mexican nationals and summer students worked in the area researching and building relationships, the doors have opened for a U.S. church partner to begin working with a local Mexican seminary to bring the truth to this community with no known believers.


Through a soap-making class, Afro-Ecuadorians are learning a valuable and useful skill that has earned governmental recognition. While learning about business and helping their community, they are also being taught the gospel in a very clear way that is transforming their lives. Through this method of evangelism, almost 50 Afro-Ecuadorians came to a saving knowledge of Christ last year.

Throughout the Americas, 2,185 people committed their lives to Christ in 2019.


As a new believer, a leader of an indigenous village in Ecuador began to feel convicted that his tribes’ healing rituals — using certain rocks and other sacred objects to channel the earth’s healing power — was contrary to what the Bible teaches. One IMB missionary couple has a long-time relationship with this tribe and is mentoring this leader and other leaders of nearby villages as they seek to follow the Holy Spirit on this issue.

Your giving enables IMB workers in the Americas to enter communities in Mexico in need of the gospel, minister to Afro-Ecuadorians and mentor a new Christian in an indigenous tribe in Ecuador. Give now to support the work in the Americas.

All data, except for active field personnel and unreached people group counts, reflects information from the 2019 Data-Year Annual Statistical Report (IMB).