National Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries. During this month, the IMB joins other organizations across the U.S. to pay tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society.
According to the Library of Congress, September 15 is the anniversary of independence for the following Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and 18 respectively. Día de la Raza, or Hispanic Day, is October 12 and falls within this 30-day window.
As the “International” Mission Board, our recognition of Hispanic American Heritage Month is multi-faceted and based on the oneness we share in Christ. The IMB has Hispanic missionaries serving among unreached people groups around the world. Hispanic churches throughout the Americas are now sending their own missionaries to the nations, and we have a great opportunity to mobilize the SBC’s 3,500 Hispanic churches and more than 235,000 Hispanic church members to pray, give, go and send.
Hispanics are a trusted face in many countries around the world, and non-Hispanic missionaries are praying for more Hispanics to join the IMB not just for a short-term trip but as longer term missionaries. The IMB needs even more Hispanics to join our missionary force to help us achieve the Revelation 7:9 vision of “a great multitude from every language, tribe and nation, knowing and worshiping our Lord, Jesus Christ.”