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In memoriam: Missionary emeritus Billie Cecile Schultz Deaderick, 76

Billie Cecile Schultz Deaderick, 1944-2021
IMB Photo

Billie Cecile Schultz Deaderick, an International Mission Board missionary emeritus who shared the gospel in Brazil, died Aug. 10, 2021, at her home in Maryville, Tennessee. She was 76.

Deaderick was born Aug. 14, 1944, in Mobile, Alabama, to the late Mack and Minnie Ethel Schultz. She grew up in Frankville, Alabama. She received the Bachelor of Arts in elementary education from William Carey College (now University), Hattiesburg, Mississippi. There she met Elbert Thomas Deaderick Jr., and they were married on June 5, 1966.

Billie taught in elementary school in Arabi, Louisiana, while Elbert attended seminary in New Orleans. The couple were involved in local missions in New Orleans and later were involved in missions and ministry in Coshocton, Ohio; Florence, Alabama; and Knoxville, Tennessee.

Deaderick wrote when applying for missionary service that she accepted Christ as her personal Savior at age 11, loved being in church and held church leadership positions while still in high school. Even then, she wrote, “I thought about and prayed about my future endlessly. I somehow felt that God had a special place of service for me.”

In 1976, the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board), appointed the Deadericks as missionaries to Brazil, where they served more than 20 years.

She was preceded in death by her sons, Randall Thomas Deaderick and Russell Brittian Deaderick.

Survivors include her husband of 55 years, Elbert Deaderick; two grandchildren, two great-grandchildren; a sister, Nancy Smith (Wesley) of Oak Ridge, Tennessee; and a brother, Worth Schultz (Florence) of Frankville.

A memorial service was held Oct. 9 at Frankville Baptist Church.

Read an obituary here.