Editor’s note: August 28 is Global Hunger Sunday. Global Hunger Relief (GHR) is an initiative of the Southern Baptist Convention dedicated to combating hunger and sharing the Bread of Life.
Missions-focused GHR projects are carried out by Send Relief, a joint ministry of the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board. All GHR projects have an intentional spiritual strategy, work with Southern Baptist personnel, solicit local input and expertise, and have accountability measures. Read more about the impact of this initiative.

Love, prayer and food packets led to a South Asian family’s choice to put their trust in the ultimate Provider.
Seema was in a desperate situation. Her husband was unable to get out of bed, and the couple struggled to put food on the table for their many children. The family had very little and were underfed and depressed. Kirthi, a South Asian Christian, prayed for Seema and her family and gave them a food packet consisting of rice and lentils.
Seema and her family were very responsive to the gospel and eager to learn more about the Bible. Kirthi visited them regularly, continuing to pray for them and share Bible stories. Seema and her oldest daughter committed their lives to Christ, and a few months later, her husband did as well. Through prayer, God has improved his health. Now, the entire family attends church regularly, and a group meets in their home weekly for Bible study and prayer.
Through the generous hunger relief donations of Southern Baptists and a partner church of IMB missionary Millie Seymour, Kirthi was able to give a food packet to help this family survive and have the chance to learn more about Jesus.
Kirthi and other believers in her neighborhood use the food packets to help people in great need in their community. When the believers dispense the food packets, they pray and share the gospel. Meeting physical needs allows them to shine as bright lights of Christ’s love in their neighborhood.
A few years ago, Seymour trained Kirthi in the Care Through Prayer method of sharing the gospel. Care Through Prayer begins conversations with strangers or acquaintances by asking if they can pray for anything in their life. Seymour said this method creates a wide-open-door for conversations in lower-income communities. Seymour said that, with modeling and practice, she became a consistent and bold evangelist. Her giftedness in evangelism leads to her making friends and opportunities to share the gospel daily. Kirthi partners in ministry with Seymour.
God had placed a burden on Kirthi’s heart to reach as many people as possible in her neighborhood in a South Asian megacity. Many of her neighbors in their lower-income community have physical and spiritual needs. Kirthi and several other women offer to pray and listen, and people readily welcome them into their homes. Seema was one of the women who invited Kirthi into her home.
IMB missionaries used money donated to the IMB and Send Relief to purchase the food packets that Kirthi and other South Asian Christians distribute in communities. You can be involved in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of South Asians.
Your donations to the Global Hunger Fund make it possible for missionaries and local believers to meet physical and spiritual needs.