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Church plant bears fruit in Thailand

A group of Thai believers had a simple vision in 2022.

“What would it look like,” they wondered, “if we planted a church that just opened God’s Word and does what it says?”

In Thailand, it’s often said that “to be Thai is to be Buddhist.” Because Buddhist traditions are so intertwined in culture, it can be difficult for churches and believers to separate from them.

This group wanted to start purely from Scripture and discover together what Biblical church looked like.

With the support of some IMB workers, they planted Eternal Grace Church later that year. Their goal was to focus on Biblical fellowship and Biblical teaching.

Since then, the congregation has continued to steadily grow. Two years later, it is a diverse mix of Thais and ethnic minority tribal groups present in Thailand. It’s also a mix of mature believers, new believers, and people who have yet to believe

For IMB worker Jude Andrews, who has supported the church from the beginning, it’s been a joy to watch.

“It’s been such a joy to come alongside these national believers who wanted to step out in faith,” he said.

Thai believers sing worship songs during a church service in Thailand.

For Aranya, one of the believers who helped launch Eternal Grace, it’s been a dream come true. She came to faith at a young age when some Korean missionaries shared the gospel with her.

As she grew older, she felt called to ministry and obtained her Master’s of Divinity from a Thai seminary. She had a dream of one day working at a coffee shop across from a university where she could connect with college students.

When Eternal Grace outgrew their first meeting space, an opportunity opened up for them to take ownership of a coffee shop across from a university that could serve as a meeting place and also a ministry platform.

“I knew this was the Lord leading me,” Aranya said. She turned down other job opportunities to work as a barista at the coffee shop, EGC Coffee, and she also serves in numerous ways at the church.

Aranya is just one example of how believers at Eternal Grace are learning what it means to be a church rooted in Scripture and reaching out to the community.

“God is patient to establish His Church with mature disciples who endure,” said Jude.

Pray for Eternal Grace Church, and churches all throughout Thailand, to hold fast to Scripture and be united in Christ.


Names changed for security.