Lottie’s Letters
The following letter, written by Lottie Moon on Sept. 15, 1887, was printed in the Foreign Mission Journal in December of that year. It is credited with providing the impetus for the creation of a Southern Baptist offering to support international missions, which later became the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.
In a former letter I called attention to the work of Southern Methodists women, endeavoring to use it as an incentive to stir up the women of our Southern Baptist churches to a greater zeal in the cause of missions. I have lately been reading the minutes of the ninth annual meeting of the Woman’s Board of Missions, M. E. South, and find that in the year ending in June, they raised over sixty-six thousand dollars. Their work in China alone involved the expenditure of more than thirty-four thousand dollars, besides which they have missions in Mexico, Brazil, and the Indian Territory. They have nine workers in China, with four more under appointment and two others recommended by the committee for appointment. I notice that when a candidate is appointed, straightway some conference society pledges her support in whole or in part. One lady is to be sent out by means of the liberal offer of a Nashville gentleman, to contribute six hundred dollars for travelling expenses. A gentleman in Kansas gave five thousand dollars to build a church in Shanghai in connection with woman’s work there.
The efficient officers of this Methodist Woman’s organization do their work without pay. Travelling and office expenses are allowed the President of the Board of Missions. This money is to be used at her discretion in visiting conference societies that are not able to pay her expenses. Office expenses alone are allowed the Corresponding Secretary and her assistant, and also to the Treasurer. A sum is appropriated for publications, postage, and mite boxes. The expenses for all purposes are less than seventeen hundred dollars. In a word, Southern Methodist women, in one year, have contributed to missions, clear of all expenses, nearly sixty-five thousand dollars! Doesn’t this put us Baptist women to shame? For one, I confess I am heartily ashamed.
I am convinced that one of the chief reasons our Southern Baptist women do so little is the lack of organization. Why should we not learn from these noble Methodist women, and instead of the paltry offerings we make, do something that will prove that we are really in earnest in claiming to be followers of him who, though he was rich, for our sake became poor? How do these Methodist women raise so much money? By prayer and self-denial. Note the resolution unanimously approved by the meeting above:
Resolved, That this Board recommend to the Woman’s Missionary Society to observe the week preceding Christmas as a week of prayer and self-denial. In preparation for this,
Resolved, That we agree to pray every evening for six months, dating from June 25, 1887, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Woman’s Missionary Society and its work at home and in the foreign fields.
Need it be said, why the week before Christmas is chosen? Is not the festive season when families and friends exchange gifts in memory of The Gift laid on the altar of the world for the redemption of the human race, the most appropriate time to consecrate a portion from abounding riches and scant poverty to send forth the good tidings of great joy into all the earth?
In seeking organization we do not need to adopt plans or methods unsuitable to the views, or repugnant to the tastes of our brethren. What we want is not power, but simply combination in order to elicit the largest possible giving. Power of appointment and of disbursing funds should be left, as heretofore, in the hands of the Foreign Mission Board. Separate organization is undesirable, and would do harm; but organization in subordination to the Board is the imperative need of the hour.
Some years ago the Southern Methodist Mission in China had run down to the lowest water-mark; the rising of the tide seems to have begun with the enlisting of the women of the church in the cause of missions. The previously unexampled increase in missionary zeal and activity in the Northern Presbyterian church is attributed to the same reason the thorough awakening of the women of the church upon the subject of missions. In like manner, until the women of the Southern Baptist churches are thoroughly aroused, we shall continue to go on in our present “hand to mouth” system. We shall continue to see mission stations so poorly manned that missionaries break down from overwork, loneliness, and isolation; we shall continue to see promising mission fields unentered and old stations languishing; and we shall continue to see other denominations no richer and no better educated than ours, outstripping us in the race. I wonder how many of us really believe that ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’? A woman who accepts that statement of our Lord Jesus Christ as a fact, and not as impractical idealism, will make giving a principle of her life. She will lay aside sacredly not less than one-tenth of her income or her earnings as the Lord’s money, which she would no more dare to touch for personal use than she would steal. How many there are among our women, alas! alas! who imagine that because Jesus paid it all, they need pay nothing, forgetting that the prime object of their salvation was that they should follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in bringing back a lost world to God, and so aid in bringing the answer to the petition our Lord taught his disciples: Thy kingdom come.
L. Moon.
Nov. 24, 1877
My dear Dr. Tupper,
We had the best possible voyage over the water—good weather, no headwinds,scarcely any rolling or pitching—in short, all that reasonable people could ask. Here, I am staying in the family of Rev. Dr. Brown, of the Northern Baptist Board. They are very kind and cordial. Mr. Crawford had written them in September to look for me, and they had been on two previous steamers to meet me. Dr. Brown and his daughter were just starting yesterday for the steamer when I walked in having come ashore with some friends. I spent a week here last fall and of course feel very natural to be here again. I do so love the East and eastern life! Japan fascinated my heart and fancy four years ago, but now I honestly believe I love China the best, and actually, which is stranger still, like the Chinese best.
Yours truly,
L. Moon
Note: Dr. H. A. Tupper was the board’s second president. He served from 1872 to 1892.
Nov. 22, 1880
Rev. Dr. H. A. Tupper:
My dear Brother,
We have no stations in the ordinary acceptation of the word, that is, a place where a paid assistant holds service. Our Christians are scattered in various places & we visit them as we can. They are expected to meet on the Sabbath & hold religious services; some of them do & some do not. I have askt the makers of the map to note every place in which any of our members or the North St. members live. In some places there are only one or two, in others more. I am sorry to say they have a tendency to gravitate towards the city which is bad in some respects. Moving away from their old friends & neighbors, they have less reproach to endure as being Christians; I think it wd. be better for them to live it down at home & try to influence their own region. They are poor & hope to better themselves by moving to the city. Sometimes they do & very often they lose what little they bring with them. The war rumors seem to have almost died out & things move on quietly as before, only there is constant drilling of troops. It is to be hoped that China will not attempt to cope with the power of Russia: right or wrong, she will be worsted in the war & would probably have to pay a larger indemnity than is now demanded. The people grow more & more accessible. Dr. & Mrs. Crawford were out last week spending several days in a village where there are no Christians & they found great readiness to hear. Mrs. Holmes & I have been making some very pleasant day trips among the neighboring villages. Even these are growing friendly and manifest a willingness to be instructed. The good work grows & there are many causes of hopefulness.
With kindness regards,
Yrs sincerely,
L. Moon
Note: Russia, Japan and China were at odds during the latter part of the 1800s and early part of the 1900s involving Manchuria.
Dec. 14, 1880
Rev. Dr. H. A. Tupper:
Mr dear Brother,
Our mission force is too small to allow us to work in distant places. The Presbyterians are branching out in many directions & have stations scattered far & wide. They have rec’d in one field, some eighty accessions lately, but of these I don’t know how many are children & infants.
Our thoughts are largely taken up with the impending war. It is said that forty Russian war vessels are expected in Yokahama, that the Admiral is to have a grand reception from the Emperor in Tokio & the probabilities seem to be that Japan will unite with Russia against China. We naturally feel somewhat unsettled, as it is not certain whether we shall be able to remain here with safety. There are a good many troops here now & more coming. They are under good discipline & give us no real trouble, only some annoyance from their curiosity to see into our houses. A good many were at church yesterday both in the morning & afternoon & behaved very well.
Our missions are in usual health. With kindest regards,
Yrs sincerely,
L. Moon
P’ingtu, China,
Jan. 9, 1889
My dear Miss Armstrong,
I write to thank the Executive Committee for the hearty response they have made to my appeal for more workers for P’ingtu. I urge that the new missionaries be sent out immediately. I am holding on, after more than eleven years of work, at considerable risk of permanent injury to health.
Yet I must not leave until others are here to take over the work. After the new missionaries arrive, there must be preparation on their part and delay on mine. Therefore, the sooner they come, the better. Please listen to no suggestion of delay. The two should be in Tungchow in June at the latest. Then they could come out with me in the autumn to P’ingtu and make acquaintance with their field. Write me in advance when they will arrive, so that I can arrange to have them met, or meet them in Chefoo.
A two years’ supply of clothing is all they need bring. They should have abundance of heavy flannel underclothing. The climate of Shantung is colder in winter than it is in the same latitude in America. I suggest that they bring sheets, pillow cases, blankets, etc.
Please say to the new missionaries that they are coming to a life of hardship, responsibility and constant self denial. They must live, the greater part of the time, in Chinese houses, in close contact with the people. They will be alone in the interior and will need to be strong and courageous. If “the joy of the Lord” be “their strength,” the blessedness of the work will more than compensate for its hardships. Let them come “rejoicing to suffer” for the sake of that Lord and Master who freely gave his life for them.
Hoping soon to welcome them to the field,
Yours for the work,
L. Moon
Feb. 9, 1889
Recently, on a Sunday which I was spending in a village near Pingtu city, two men came to me with the request that I would conduct the general services. They wished me to read and explain, to a mixed audience of men and women, the parable of the prodigal son. I replied that no one should undertake to speak without preparation, and that I had made none. (I had been busy all the morning teaching the women and girls.) After awhile they came again to know my decision. I said, “It is not the custom of the Ancient church that women preach to men.” I could not, however, hinder their calling upon me to lead in prayer. Need I say that, as I tried to lead their devotions, it was hard to keep back the tears of pity for those sheep not having a shepherd. Men asking to be taught and no one to teach them. We read of one who ìcame forth and saw a great multitude, and he had compassion on them because they were as sheep not having a shepherd. “And how did he show his compassion?” He began to teach them many things. “Brethren, ministers and students for the ministry, who may read these lines, does there dwell in your hearts none of that divine compassion which stirred the heart of Jesus Christ, and which led him to ‘teach’ the multitude many things”?
Thirty miles from Pingtu city is a gold mine. Nestled close among low-lying hills are two foreign houses and the buildings over the mine. Several American miners are there in the employ of the Chinese government. These men are living a hard, dull, isolated life, in a remote region, far from home and friends, with the sole purpose of worldly gain. So much for the devotees of Mammon. One cannot help asking sadly, why is love of gold more potent than love of souls? The number of men mining and prospecting for gold in Shantung is more than double the number of men representing Southern Baptists! What a lesson for Southern Baptists to ponder.
L. Moon
Note: This piece apparently was written by Lottie Moon for publication, presumably in the board’s missions journal.
April 2, 1895
Dear Dr. Willingham,
The quarter just passed has been full of intense excitement. It witnessed the bombardment of Tungchow & the fall of Wei-hai-wei. The Japanese paid us four visits & their vessels are still almost daily hovering around. For over two months business has been nearly at a standstill, but the city is now recovering from the depression & most of those who fled have returned. There is, however, much poverty & suffering. The price of silver has touched a low point & the cost of breadstuffs has advanced. During the height of the terror & confusion, direct mission work was almost out of the question. Simply to stand at one’s post & try to inspire hope & cheerfulness into the terror-stricken people who could not fly, was about all that one could accomplish. Gradually, however, things changed for the better & a wide open door has been found for presenting the gospel to the people. Sympathy with them in their trouble & sorrows has been an “open sesame” to many hearts. For more than five weeks, regular services have been carried on in the church & Dr. Hartwell has preached with great power & tenderness to apparently deeply interested audiences. I have never seen anything like it before in Tungchow. I have been recently visiting daily in the city & have never before been received so cordially & at times even joyfully. There are often eager listeners & it is rare that I do not have opportunity to teach hymns & prayers. In general, the people were never in a more teachable spirit than now. Their reverses have taught them a beginning of humility & they have learned to look on missionaries as their true friends.
I am sorry to learn from your letter of Jan. 19 that there is no hope of early reinforcement. As soon as peace is declared, we hope for advance, & men & women should be here now preparing to take advantage of improved conditions for preaching the gospel. O that the Lord may open the hearts & purses of our Baptist hosts that they may cheerfully respond to the growing demands of the work.
With Christian regards,
Yrs. sincerely,
L. Moon
June 28, 1900
Mr dear Luther,
Long ere this reaches you, you will have seen from telegrams the desperate state of affairs in the North. Thus far, there has been no outbreak here & the people seem friendly. Emissaries of the ‘big sword society’ have been here recently trying to persuade the people to join them, but so far as we can ascertain without success. The people answer, ‘We have our small trade.’ They don’t want things upset. They also have said, “We like the foreigners here. They seem a clever sort of people. Why are the foreigners at other places so bad when they are good here?” Our relations with the people here have been very friendly since the Japanese war. They lookt to us then for protection & help & their leading men askt that we should not leave. Since then they have been increasingly friendly. If there should be trouble, it will most likely come from outsiders.
I go on with my work as usual. I go out to some neighboring village nearly every day. As we go about the streets as usual China is not the slightest token of hostility. We had our mission meeting last week. Two brethren were present (one a Swede) from Kiochow & Pingtu. They had left their wives and children at Pingtu where there were no other foreigners. On the morning of their departure from here, news came of persecution of native Christians at Laichowfu, which lies on the direct road to Pingtu & is only distant from Pingtu City 100 li (about 4 miles). The brethren were much troubled. I urged them to go a different, but more circuitous route. The objection was they were on bicycles. I said they had better walk all the way than run any risk of being killed & leaving their families helpless at Pingtu. The trouble has been all along that the foreign Ministers at Peking did not realize the actual facts of the situation. They persuaded themselves that the troubles were anti-Christian solely, while missionaries & many others equally well informed, knew they were anti-foreign. Now, the ministers are in as great danger themselves as were missionaries in the interior of Shantung last winter. This seems like retribution. If the energetic measures now being taken because Ministers are in danger had been taken last winter when missionaries were exposed to torture & massacre, Ministers would be in security in Peking, instead of having troops sent in hot haste to prevent them being massacred.
Yr. aff. Aunt,
L. Moon
Note: China’s Boxer Rebellion in 1900 targetted foreigners, missionaries included. Many brutal acts were reported. Lottie eventually ended up in Japan during some of the hostilities.
July 9, 1906
My dear Eddie,
To my great joy, the rainy season has come at last, after long delay. The only unpleasant thing to me about the Shantung climate is its excessive dryness. When, therefore, the longed for rainy season delays, I become very uncomfortable by day & restless at night. If a South wind blows, it is especially trying. When the rains come, presto! I am all right. By day I am comfortable & at night I sleep delightfully. But until the rains come, I sometimes have to wrap a wet towel around my neck or give my head a thorough washing in cold water in order to sleep. I am now sitting on the veranda & the rain is coming down continuously. My dog is curled up at the end of the porch fast asleep. Ugh! Drip, drip, drip. I have had to move over near the dog. She raises her head inquiringly, but drops asleep again. A lazy doggie! I offered her a biscuit this morning from the window and she said, ‘Throw it down,’ but I declined. Then slowly and lazily she arose and took it from my hand. I suppose if I were clad in fur as the dog is, I too would hate to move. As it is, before the rain came, I found locomotion a burden. The place I liked best was a big arm-chair, at the North window in my bedroom. There with my feet propped in another chair, I read to my heart’s content. I have had very few callers within the last week. Two men came at different times to arrange about women coming from the country. From the west country, three or four want to come for baptism. They are not women that I have taught, but I cheerfully open my place to receive them. From the east country, some women & girls are to come to stay about two weeks. I believe the women intend to ask baptism.
Today, just as I finished examining my classes, I observed signs of rain & before I reached home, it was coming down. I did not put up my umbrella until I saw several others up. There is some superstition about putting up an umbrella when the rain first begins to fall. So rather than to outrage public feeling, I came on in my sedan chair some distance without raising my umbrella. The rain is not falling steadily & I feel happy.
Two of my schools will close this week. One in the country closed for wheat harvest & was to open again this week, so I suppose it will go on all summer. The city schools have teachers trained in mission schools & they follow Western methods. The country school has an old-fashioned Chinese teacher. The only modern things in his school are Christianity & geography. You will say that the former is not modern & I admit your criticism. However, it is modern in Ma Shia, the village where I have the school.
L. Moon
Note: Eddie was Lottie Moon’s younger sister ‘Edmonia’. Eddie preceded Lottie to China but was unable to stay due to health reasons. Eddie funded much of Lottie’s ministry and the two kept in close touch until Eddie’s death in 1909.
July 1, 1911
Dear Dr. Willingham,
As you doubtless know, in the early part of this year, we had here the Plague. Churches & schools had to be closed, or not opened. However, the visitation passed & early in March our schools reopened. For a month or more, it did not seem wise to carry on city visiting for fear of coming on some unsuspected case of plague. For some months now, all kinds of work have been resumed.
I am happy to report that my schools are flourishing, both as regards the number of schools & the attendance. I have a school for boys & young men which has enrolled about forty-six. The students as a rule attend with regularity & the spirit of the school is good.
I have five schools for girls & one for women. These are day schools. Three of the day schools for girls are on my home place & the attendance is very good indeed. The three schools number about fifty pupils & the attendance is excellent. Parents like to send here because they feel that their daughters are safer. The girls study finely, some of them enthusiastically.
With very cordial regards,
Yrs. sincerely,
L. Moon
Note: Dr. Robert Willingham was the board’s third president. He served from 1893 until 1913.
Dec. 5, 1912
Mr. I. M. Andrews,
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Sir:
Your letter to Dr. Willingham has been referred to me in his absence. The cable message with reference to Miss Lottie Moon came last Sunday, stating that her mind was seriously impaired, and that it would be necessary for her to come home immediately. She is accompanied by Miss Cynthia Miller, one of our missionaries who is a trained nurse. She will reach San Francisco on January 13th, 1913. Dr. Willingham will be back tomorrow or next day, and he will write you immediately about arrangements for meeting her. We are greatly distressed over the sad news. She has been a heroic worker. Dr. T. W. Ayers, one of our missionaries who is at home, and who knew her while in North China, says, She is one woman who will have her crown covered with stars. “She is one of the most unselfish saints God ever made. I am so glad to say this of her while she lives.” I write this to show you how the missionaries feel about her. We do not know the cause of her deranged mental condition. It is entirely possible I think that the ocean voyage and rest may do much to restore her health, though, of course, everything depends on the cause of the trouble.
Sincerely yours,
This first-person account written by Lottie Moon was found among a collection of her letters. Undated, apparently it was written during her early years of service in China.
It was a bright sunny day in the middle of November. For some days previous, bleak cold blasts had caused us to draw our wrappings closer about us as we went hither and thither on mission work intent. Now, there was scarce a breath to stir the foliage yet lingering on the trees. “We are all going for a pic-nic” was the announcement. A pic-nic! Truly it had a pleasant sound, but would it be right to lose a day from the study of the language? A little explanation served to clear up matters. The ladies of the mission proposed to visit some of the country villages for the purpose of imparting religious instructions, and as they would take their dinners and spend the day, they styled the expedition a pic-nic. There would be no harm in accepting such an invitation as this, since mingling with the people is one of the best methods of acquiring the language.
As we left the mission premises, we met a native Christian woman accompanied by a forlorn looking specimen of humanity. The only clothing to his waist was a piece of matting on skin drawn around his shoulders and held by each hand. His head was destitute of the customary pig-tail as he had been destined for the priesthood. A few days before, one of the native women had come to Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Holmes to ask if they would take the boy. She said he was an orphan and had run away from the temple at which he had been placed to be trained as priest. He came to the temple here, but the priests refused to receive him, saying they already had more than they wanted. Each of the ladies expressed a readiness to take him, but his fear of the foreigners led him to decline coming. Finally, however, necessity proved stronger than fear, and he presented himself before us. Clothes were provided for him and the day after his coming he was placed at school.
To proceed, however, with the account of our day in the country. Our party consisted of four ladies and a native brother, one of the deacons of our church. One of the ladies led the advance gallantly, mounted on her donkey, and a wonderful little donkey it was, for actually during the whole day, we did not observe it bite or kick or indeed commit any act unworthy a most gentlemanly animal. To be sure, our ears were now and then regaled with his melodious notes but what of that? A donkey may surely express his feelings as well as other folks.
The other ladies followed in chairs borne by coolies while the deacon walked. On turning into [the] Main street we found it thronged with people and animals. The shops displayed their wares in tempting profusion; provision and fruit vendors had spread these articles on the streets on the bridges; while immense baskets of various vegetables were visible on either side. Peddlers of every description were bearing their baskets on poles suspended over the shoulder. Our course was constantly impeded, in the narrow street, by pack-mules or human burden-bearers. The musical tinkling of bells warned us to stand aside for the passage of that peculiar Chinese conveyance, the shentz. Just outside the city gate we had to halt for the passage of a train of mules loaded with immense bundles of faggots. The unusual crowd in the street had not caused us an especial surprise, but as we advanced into the suburbs we knew not what to make of the throng of men and animals. The women too had crowded to the doors and were looking on with interest. Their gaze was at once turned on the foreigners and they exclaimed, “They are going to the theatre.” The mystery of the crowd was thus explained. John Chinaman was bent on taking a holiday and really it was astonishing to see him look so gay. For the once, his usual stolidity seemed laid aside, and he laughed and cracked his jokes like anybody else.
After a short halt, we proceeded towards one of the neighboring villages. All along our road were Chinese walking or riding. On our arrival at the village, we sat down in the street and waited to see what could be done for the women. Here, too, they were afraid of foreigners though the men and boys did not seem to share this feeling. The ladies talked to some of these and again our good deacon found a small audience. As may be imagined, it is exceedingly difficult to enchain the attention of such hearers for any length of time. Some will hear perhaps half a dozen sentences, others will tarry a little longer, while a few will stay up close of the remarks. Now and then a running fire of questions is poured in and the sermon becomes for the time only an answer to these. When they cease, the speaker goes on with his discourse. We tarried at this village some time and then moved on to another. So far as we know, the gospel had never been proclaimed here, and yet the simple villagers received us most cordially. Women, children and a few men gathered around us immediately. We had halted intending to take our dinner, but the work seemed too pressing and first must the bread of life be presented to these needy souls.
At length we sat down to our meal and the scene was doubtless as novel to the Chinese as to ourselves. They crowded so close as almost to touch us and were interested in all we did. The knives and forks seemed to awaken especial attention. It is a habit of the Chinese to comment freely on all they see, and their unsophisticated remarks are often amusing though personal.
When the dinner was ended, the ladies again taught the women and children. One of the latter earned a copy of the ‘Happy Land’ in Chinese as a reward for learning a small portion of the hymn. The bright red paper on which it was written doubtless formed the incentive to the effort. We gave away several copies of this hymn, won on the same condition. It was hard to leave so interesting a people, but there are hundreds of other villages all around that have never heard the gospel. It was enough to break one’s heart to pass so many houses with women standing at the doors and reflect that so few had heard us, that it had been simply impossible to reach more than a very small number.
As we approached the next village, the quick ear of an experienced missionary caught the word ‘devil.’ The word used to be far more common than now. In this city, Tung Chow, the mandarin has forbidden the offensive epithet. Probably we were the first foreigners to visit the village we were nearing. We went bravely on, though aware of almost certain opposition. Mrs. His donkey was hitched to a wall and our chairs were put down in the street. Some women looked curiously at us from their street door. A man came up evidently angry and excited and talked with our deacon who vainly endeavored to impart to him some religious instruction. He was full of bitter contempt and wanted to hear nothing of this new doctrine. He ordered the women indoors and they obeyed in a frightened manner, closing the door after them. He then walked off, doubtless deeming himself the master of the situation. The street was almost empty. A few children were visible, but they now held off from us and it seemed that we would have to beat an ignominious retreat. Luckily, rather let us say providentially, Mrs. Crawford had taken her position lower down the street, out of reach of our opponent’s voice. The women gathered about her gradually and this gave courage to others who now collected in sufficiently large numbers to give work to each of the ladies who could speak the language. As Mrs. H walked triumphantly to her donkey, she exclaimed, ‘This village is conquered.’
Our day’s work was now ended. Wearied in body, but cheered in soul by the thought of the good done, we turned our faces homeward. The scene was indeed lovely as we neared the city. There lay the blue sea, sleeping in tranquil beauty as if no storm had ever ruffled its surface; from its bosom rose islands bathed in purple light; off in the distance a single sail dotted the waters. The sun was approaching its decline and cast mingled light and shadow on the grassy mounds of the Chinese cemeteries on either side. The laborers were still at their toil, for not yet had that darkness descended which entitles the ploughman to ‘homeward plod his weary way.’
Our road lay again near the theatre and the crowd was slowly dispersing. They looked curiously at us, but it was too late to make any efforts for their good. John was doubtless tired by his unwonted holiday as we were ourselves by our day of travel and of labor. In comparative quiet they wended their way home.
The country people are more ready to receive the gospel than those in the city. Hence the need of earnest effort in the battle to bring down the suspicion almost universal towards foreigners. Hence, too, the loud call for men to labor as evangelists among these villages. It is said that in three years’ time one could hardly visit them all, so numerous are they. Mr. Crawford is over-tasked in the many demands upon him. He has three Chinese services every Sabbath, besides attending and conducting in his turn the English service. In addition to this, the conduct of the Thursday night prayer-meeting and the teachers’ meeting devolves upon him. Then there are theological students who look to him for training. Along with this work of pastor and professor, he preaches in the streets of this city and acts as an evangelist in the country. It is not right for the brethren at home to leave him to toil on year after year unaided, and, when this noble soldier of the cross has ‘fallen asleep,’ who will fill his place?
Women, too, may find [a place]. In city and in village, thousands of women will never hear the gospel until women bear it to them. They will admit women, but men can not gain access to their homes, nor will they come to church. The only way for them to hear the good news of salvation is from the lips of foreign women. Are there not some, yea many, who find it in their hearts to say, ‘Here am I; send me’?
Lottie Moon