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You Are Campaigning For:
Kampala Urban Team
Project Overview
Kampala continues to grow day by day. More churches must be planted to reach the hundreds and thousands here who do not know Christ! Our team, the Kampala Urban Team, is working hard to equip local pastors and churches to engage Kampala for the glory of God. Join us in this work! Your gift will assist bi-vocational pastors in starting small businesses, minister to women trapped or engaged in the sex trade, and reach out to the refugees who are flooding into Kampala from other countries. Pastors here are bi-vocational because the culture does not provide for full-time pastors. Our team is piloting a project with a local pastor to help him start a motorcycle garage to provide for his family and maximize his commitment to his congregation. Your gift will be part of the capital he needs to purchase an adequate supply of motorcycle parts. A good collection of parts will attract mechanics to partner with him, making the garage both a selling and repairing location for the community. The faith-based business will be a light in the community for sharing Christ and offering necessary services! Success with this initial garage will create a model that we can replicate throughout Kampala.Another vital ministry is reaching women in Kampala trapped in sex trafficking. Approximately 15,000 women in Kampala are trafficked each year, and 15% (2,250 individuals) of those women are in our ministry target area. With the help of national partners, our team will offer Christ-centered Bible stories to the women to show them that Jesus offers daily hope and eternal life. In addition, as women leave the sex trade, we desire to train them in alternative job skills to include tailoring, hair styling and cooking. A long-term goal is to have a women’s center.Your partnership will also offer public health clinics for these women. Many struggle with sexually transmitted diseases, malaria and other curable health problems. Your gift will enable our team to provide these women with the care and knowledge they need to heal their bodies while sharing the love of Christ, which will heal their souls. Together, we can offer them hope and a future.
Our team’s third emphasis is outreach to refugees. Our refugee small business outreach enables the gospel to be shared among refugee groups and provides discipleship opportunities. These discipled refugees can then be sent as missionaries back to their people groups in Kampala and their home nation. This business outreach opportunity has the potential to truly change the community as Christ-centered businesses shine brightly in dark communities. Your partnership with these ministries through prayer and giving is vital to reaching Kampala for Christ! Join us in these areas where God is working to transform lives for His glory!