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Nehemiah Teams: Training the Next Generation of Global Missionaries

Train the next generation of global missionaries with Nehemiah Teams! Young believers ages 16 to 25 go to the Philippines each year for AOT, a three-week intensive training, and then go out on mission around the world. 

Ask God how he wants you to give so that the next generation of missionaries can gain experience and vision for reaching the nations. Thank you for your generosity! Together, we will help all people groups have the opportunity to worship around the throne of Christ (Rev. 7:9).

Train the next generation of global missionaries with Nehemiah Teams! Young believers ages 16 to 25 go to the Philippines each year for AOT, a three-week intensive training, and then go out on mission around the world. 

Ask God how he wants you to give so that the next generation of missionaries can gain experience and vision for reaching the nations. Thank you for your generosity! Together, we will help all people groups have the opportunity to worship around the throne of Christ (Rev. 7:9).

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Nehemiah Teams: Student Missionary Training

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