Counseling & Healthy Church Resources

Provide Central Asian churches and church leaders with accessible resources in biblical counseling and healthy church formation.

Currently, there are no biblical counseling resources in this local language and very few resources at all that promote healthy church formation. Your gift will make them available! These resources will walk believers through the biblical perspective on overcoming issues such as pornography, anger, addictions, contentment, anxiety, fear, doubt, grief, assurance and money. Other resources will cover biblical theology, the gospel, evangelism, prayer, conversion, discipling, elders, church discipline and membership.

Think of a youth addicted to pornography or a new mom gripped with fear and anxiety. Imagine an angry husband and father and the Muslim-background-believer struggling to receive the grace of God in Christ. Picture the pastor confused about how to raise up elders, and church leaders laboring to practice biblical church discipline. What resources will they turn to for help? You can provide those resources so they come to know Christ and grow deeper with him, developing healthy lives, families and churches. Your partnership with this project will equip the believing community to better care for one another and share the message of salvation in Christ as they seek to walk by faith through life’s struggles of life in the context of healthy church.

Currently, there are no biblical counseling resources in this local language and very few resources at all that promote healthy church formation. Your gift will make them available! These resources will walk believers through the biblical perspective on overcoming issues such as pornography, anger, addictions, contentment, anxiety, fear, doubt, grief, assurance and money. Other resources will cover biblical theology, the gospel, evangelism, prayer, conversion, discipling, elders, church discipline and membership.

Think of a youth addicted to pornography or a new mom gripped with fear and anxiety. Imagine an angry husband and father and the Muslim-background-believer struggling to receive the grace of God in Christ. Picture the pastor confused about how to raise up elders, and church leaders laboring to practice biblical church discipline. What resources will they turn to for help? You can provide those resources so they come to know Christ and grow deeper with him, developing healthy lives, families and churches. Your partnership with this project will equip the believing community to better care for one another and share the message of salvation in Christ as they seek to walk by faith through life’s struggles of life in the context of healthy church.

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of $225,000 goal
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Translation of EV materials
translates 1 page
“What Is the Gospel?” tracts
prints 3000
Gospel resources
edits & formats 1
Book for local pastors
translates 1

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Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Central Asian Peoples

From the mountain peaks of the Caucasus to the steppes of Kazakhstan, the heartland of Asia is a place of mystery, having been mostly off-limits to travelers for the last 2000 years. With its blue-domed cities, frenetic bazaars, and remote yurts, Central Asia captures the romance of the Silk Road. Ancient traditions, loyal relationships, and generous hospitality make up the foundation of Central Asian values. Once home to the early church, Islam is now the predominant religion of Central Asia. Architecture, dress, and cultural expectations are all marked by it's influence.

Political, religious, and cultural divisions have fractured Central Asia's governments and global relations. This instability has left people seeking an anchor for hope and peace. Jesus is their peace, but most of Central Asia's 365 million people have no knowledge of the gospel.

Pray that as Central Asians will meet the life-giver and Prince of Peace so they can experience the abundant joy that Jesus offers.

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