Bao’s* vacation had arrived! The smell of salt water and tropical flowers was unmistakable on the tropical island, especially to a young man who had never ventured out of his crowded Chinese city.
hough not religious himself, Bao’s first stop was the Bomunsa Temple, a “must see” on the tourist list. In the temple parking lot, you changed Bao’s life.
“FREE!” The sign in Chinese sign caught his eye. He hurried over to the table stacked with Bibles you generously provided. The man under the sign greeted Bao in his own language, smiled warmly, and explained the history of the Buddhist temple.
“If you want true happiness, though, you won’t find it in there,” the man concluded. “You’ll find in here,” and with that, he handed Bao a Bible and a book titled “Blessing.”
You gave Bao the Word of God, and his life will never be the same. Because of you, Bao has heard of God’s love and plan for his life. Your gift is putting Bibles into the hands of Chinese travelers like Bao and changing lives forever.
Post-pandemic, Chinese tourists can once again travel abroad to locations like Paris, Vancouver, and Jeju Island. Your faithful giving provides Bibles and Christian hospitality for tourists and emigrants.
Many of those who receive Bibles live in areas cut off from the gospel. By providing Bibles, you are telling them about the love of Jesus for the first time in their lives. Thank you for eternally impacting Bao’s life by sharing God’s Word with him and other Chinese travelers to these vacation spots. Without you, they will have little access to the Bible.
You are making an impact on Jeju Island: Bao is one of 500 Chinese tourists who received a New Testament in their language while vacationing here because of your giving. You offered gospel tracts to 500 more visiting tourist spots like the Bomunsa Temple.
Pray for Bao and others who received the Word of God to read it with open hearts and respond to the gospel. Ask God to direct them to the online resources available through the QR code so they can connect with believers wherever they live or travel.
God used you in Vancouver: Sharon* excitedly packed for the mission trip with her home church in the U.S. to work with Chinese immigrants in Canada. She never thought God would use her job as a human resources manager to help others hear the gospel, but she was wrong!

In Vancouver, dozens of people attended Sharon’s seminar on resume and interview strategies, where they learned job skills and heard Sharon share about the love and transformation she found in Jesus.
Like you, Sharon and others on her mission team use the resources and experiences God gave them to support Chinese congregations in their ministry to immigrants. And, like you, the difference they make will last
Sharon’s team presented a Leadership Forum for adults, interacted with children, and engaged students at the University of British Columbia with a barbeque cookout. You provided the Gospel of John in Chinese to give to those who participated in these outreach events. These activities built relationships between Chinese believers and immigrants who do not know Christ.
Join us in asking God to bring more volunteer teams to Vancouver. Pray for the Lord’s direction as we seek permits to set up our Bible displays at tourist locations.
Paris saw Jesus in you: “Hello!” Chen* said in Chinese to the young man sitting across from him on the subway. Gang* was on his way back to his hotel after watching an Olympic archery match. His love of archery compelled him to travel to France to see the Chinese archers compete.

Chen’s warmth startled Gang, who found the decadent atmosphere of the Olympics a stark contrast to his simple life back in China.
Here’s where
you enter the story: As they spoke in Chinese, Chen pulled a gospel trading pin and a Bible you provided out of his backpack. He shared that Jesus loves Gang and has a plan for his life.
Gang leaned in closer to hear more clearly over the noisy clanging of the tracks. Chen’s words answered questions about God that Gang had pondered for many years.
Through the Bible you gave, you delivered the answers that changed Gang’s life forever. He is now your brother in Christ!
Please pray for 112 Chinese who accepted Christ during the Olympics to grow spiritually as they connect with other believers. Ask God to water the gospel seeds planted during the Olympics. Pray for eight partnering Chinese churches as they begin a new evangelism outreach.
*Names changed