Participants at Hope Recovery learn about the gospel and service to others, along with developing life skills such as raising bees and animals for small business operations, gardening and greenhouse operations, and mechanical trades like welding and construction. These skills enable each man to help meet the needs of his family rather than return to the old addiction and hopelessness. Local staff is trained to coach and mentor those in the program and they teach participants solid accountability practices. Your partnership with Hope Recovery will offer a new way of life and the promise of eternal life to many who know they need a savior but need help finding him.
From the mountain peaks of the Caucasus to the steppes of Kazakhstan, the heartland of Asia is a place of mystery, having been mostly off-limits to travelers for the last 2000 years. With its blue-domed cities, frenetic bazaars, and remote yurts, Central Asia captures the romance of the Silk Road. Ancient traditions, loyal relationships, and generous hospitality make up the foundation of Central Asian values. Once home to the early church, Islam is now the predominant religion of Central Asia. Architecture, dress, and cultural expectations are all marked by it's influence.
Political, religious, and cultural divisions have fractured Central Asia's governments and global relations. This instability has left people seeking an anchor for hope and peace. Jesus is their peace, but most of Central Asia's 365 million people have no knowledge of the gospel.Pray that as Central Asians will meet the life-giver and Prince of Peace so they can experience the abundant joy that Jesus offers.