Isaan: Planting Faith in Fields of Rice

Sow Christ's light among the rice fields in the dark shadow of cultural religion to plant churches in the villages of Northeastern Thailand.
The Isaan Team covers a vast area of lostness among rural rice farmers where fewer than 1% of people follow Jesus; many, if not most, have never heard the whole gospel story. To communicate the gospel effectively in this unreached area, the Isaan Team must learn the Isaan heart language well. Your gift will underwrite the urgent expenses of developing a local Isaan language trainer for effective gospel communication and providing travel resources to cover hundreds of square miles of rice country in ministry. Your financial support will also purchase Bibles and materials for evangelism and discipleship to nurture new believers and plant new churches. Your generous gifts will offset these urgent expenses. As you give, the team is able to go farther, share more, and prepare  linguistically to minister effectively in a challenging cross-cultural setting.


The Isaan Team shares Christ through relationships and special activities, including English classes, children’s programs, Christmas outreach and other evangelistic events in villages among the rice fields. To reach people, they must go where they are and enter their lives. Your gifts will help accomplish their ministry with greater freedom. Thank you for prayerfully considering a generous gift towards the advance of the gospel in Northeast Thailand.
The Isaan Team covers a vast area of lostness among rural rice farmers where fewer than 1% of people follow Jesus; many, if not most, have never heard the whole gospel story. To communicate the gospel effectively in this unreached area, the Isaan Team must learn the Isaan heart language well. Your gift will underwrite the urgent expenses of developing a local Isaan language trainer for effective gospel communication and providing travel resources to cover hundreds of square miles of rice country in ministry. Your financial support will also purchase Bibles and materials for evangelism and discipleship to nurture new believers and plant new churches. Your generous gifts will offset these urgent expenses. As you give, the team is able to go farther, share more, and prepare  linguistically to minister effectively in a challenging cross-cultural setting.


The Isaan Team shares Christ through relationships and special activities, including English classes, children’s programs, Christmas outreach and other evangelistic events in villages among the rice fields. To reach people, they must go where they are and enter their lives. Your gifts will help accomplish their ministry with greater freedom. Thank you for prayerfully considering a generous gift towards the advance of the gospel in Northeast Thailand.
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of $75,000 goal
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Thai Bible and study booklets
buys 1 book pack
Thai Bible and disicpleship study
provides 3 Bibles
Weekly travel to area villages
covers 2 weeks
Children’s ESL & Bible classes
buys supplies for 6 months
Evangelistic Christmas outreach
funds 1 village event
Language learning
funds 1 tutor for 1 month
Language tutor
provides 1 tutor/yr
Weekly trips to villages
funds 1 yr of travel

Field Updates

Southeast Asia
* IMB does not supply exact location for security reasons.


Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

From the skyscrapers of Hong Kong and vast plains of Mongolia to smoky rainforests hiding winding rivers edged by golden sands, the natural beauty and long history of these Asia-Pacific Rim countries testify to God’s creative hand. This vast region houses four of the most populous global cities, as well as the country with the world's largest nominal population of Muslims.

Spirituality swirls through cities and countryside like the smoke from temple incense sticks. Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, animists, Daoists and ancestor worshipers live here, comprising 851 unreached people groups who have never heard that freedom is found in Christ. Pray for divine appointments for Christian workers to share that Jesus is the way to peace with God and eternal life. Ask God to glorify His name among the peoples of the Asian Pacific Rim Peoples affinity.

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