Today’s high school and university students and young adults are tomorrow’s missionary force. Equipping them to understand God’s heart for all nations and to fulfill their role in the Great Commission is critical for the gospel to continue reaching the least-reached peoples and places of the world. Your gift to NextGen Mobilization will mobilize youth, college students, and young adults worldwide to be part of God’s global mission, including American students and young adults as they search for their role in praying, giving, and going to the nations as they play their part in the Great Commission.
In many non-western countries, the population skews young, with the majority under 35 years old, and young believers can uniquely connect with their compatriots who have yet to hear of the love of Christ. For example, when asked about summer-term programs, a Baptist Campus Ministry student leader in Guadalajara, Mexico, replied, “We want American students to come. They can have anything they want in their lives, and if they choose Jesus, we want to know why.”
Your partnership with NextGen Mobilization will help reach them with the gospel and teach them to be Christ’s witnesses in their homelands and to the ends of the earth. This strategic project offers you the chance to influence the lives of the next – and possibly the last — generation of pastors, Christian authors, evangelists, and missionaries. Give today!